Happy birthday squeekaboo!
The Girls Gone Wild guy is the worst assiest of asses. Pthththtbt.
I got my hair cut and colored last night.
Today is our regional meeting. Boring because, y'know, meeting. But also fun since we get to see people from all the other offices and catch up.
In dino-related news, scientists have been able to collect enough tissue remnants from T. Rex fossils to identify some of the proteins as identical to modern-day birds, including chickens! So, it's very possible that T. Rex may have tasted like chicken....
David Boreanaz's chicken fear makes more sense....
Someone is eating something that smells like damp hair. Uhg.
Last night's Colbert Report had a story about Tad the building manager being sent to kidnap a potential mate for Stephen, Jr., from a meeting of eagle enthusiasts.
He ended up coming back with a really scratched up face and a chicken. He suggested to Stephen that they could put some lipstick on the chicken to attract Stephen Jr., and possibly dress her in provocative clothes. My mind went into a Gonzo-meets-Bugs-Bunny place, and I couldn't stop laughing.
Oh, and I had belgian waffles this morning, too! (My diet gives us those once a month--one of my favorite breakfasts.)
In dino-related news, scientists have been able to collect enough tissue remnants from T. Rex fossils to identify some of the proteins as identical to modern-day birds, including chickens!
That's cool. The dino-bird link is getting pretty darn conclusive.
I had a good start to the morning. During morning exercise, I did my bench press reps at the maximum weight for my weight machine. Very satisfying.
On one of the Discovery Channel shows about dinos, an archaeologist was saying that as a kid he used to be so sad that all the dinosaurs had died out before he got to see them, but now he realizes that if he wants to see some, he just has to look out at the bird feeder.
but now he realizes that if he wants to see some, he just has to look out at the bird feeder.
One good look at a roadrunner, and it's hard to believe they
related. That's a seriously prehistoric looking creature.
I just looked at the forecast and....snow next week. STOP IT ALREADY.