Fergie, Steph
My Humps is Fergie too? My god, that woman is the queen of "Nobody understands what the fuck I'm singing about, but they're pretty sure it's about sex."
(Signed, Still Doesn't Know What The Hell The London Bridge Is Supposed To Be, Also, Why Is It The Tower Bridge In The Video?)
I don't know the original - but I am earwormed by it.
Fergie /= Duchess of York and WW spokeswoman. I have to remind myself of this everytime the name comes up.
Do people really pay that little attention?
Yes. There have been phases where I got multiple extended messages for some kind of business office -- once some money manager or something, once a doctor.
My Humps is Fergie too? My god, that woman is the queen of "Nobody understands what the fuck I'm singing about, but they're pretty sure it's about sex."
Yes. At least "My Humps" is clear! I mean, I may not know how someone's going to get love drunk off my humps, but "Whatcha gonna do with all that ass inside them jeans?/I'ma make make make make you scream" is fairly explicit, no?
Fergie isn't Colin either, for those of you keeping track.
But she is, I think, in
Project Terror,
if I don't mistake my really ugly women.
There have been phases where I got multiple extended messages for some kind of business office
I got a few of these on my home voicemail, and half of that outgoing message is in French. So you're right, and I should have known.
Okay, a quick spin through YouTube, wherein I found both the original and the Alanis version, has confirmed that I had, in fact, at least heard the opening 5-10 seconds of the Fergie version before. I just didn't know what song it was.
I made it through about half of the Fergie version, and maybe 45 seconds of the Alanis version. Don't get me wrong; I think that Alanis is fucking *brilliant* w/the cover, but it's still a weird song, and I should be doing yoga.
That's very exciting news, Allyson. Yay!
In other good news, I (a) had a very productive writing day and (b) I got an email from the editor of the Oxford American asking me to pitch a short piece on something I love about the South. An Ode to _______ something.
they pay money for that.
So what do I want to write about?
Possible subjects...
RC Cola
Scrub Pine
Faulknerian Family Histories
Beauty Salons
Pickup Truck Mischief
William Eggleston
Tav Falco's Panther Burns
Coral Rock
Beauty Salons
Could there *be* any other topic?
Though I'd like to read your take on Faulknerian family histories. And creeks.