The bookcase is very cool, but misses being my dream bookcase by having the cave at ground level - I always wanted a cosy nook on top of a big bookcase.
I used to* climb trees to get this effect, but they're not very comfortable and carrying more than one book up gets pretty heavy.
*used to includes up through grad school.
Not too much. Just occasional twinges. By afternoon it's worse, but that seems to be the story of my life...I feel fine in the morning and by afternoon I feel ragged.
That sounds very normal, if not much fun for you.
Oh, yay - someone has put Superthunderstingcar online! (This is Peter Cook & Dudley Moore's unbelievably brilliant Thunderbirds parody. Possibly NSFW in an open plan office if you don't want co-workers asking what you're laughing about.)
OMG I LOVE this bookcase!
If that seat were just a big higher, for older, less limber folk, that would be so perfect. And the ideal cat tree when unoccupied.
Yep, Jessica. It seems pretty normal for me.
I drove on Saturday for the first time. Which made me happy, but I can't do lots of it.
If that seat were just a big higher, for older, less limber folk, that would be so perfect. And the ideal cat tree when unoccupied.
It also needs an armrest that can flip down, and a joystick that pops out of the armrest that controls motors and wheels so you can drive it from room to room.
So there's this valley in Antarctica that gets almost no snow, and is not covered in ice. Here's a bunch of very cool pictures - some rock and ice formations that I did not know could exist: [link]
More: [link]
I'm loving BookMooch very much -- already out of the 31 I've put up, I've gotten 3 snapped up, and I've found several books on my wishlist that are going to be sent to me. That's quick service, that is, and now I have mail to look forward to, too.
Now to get those three into the mail. Lucky I have other stuff to take to the PO.
Oh, yay - someone has put Superthunderstingcar online!
Genius! Dana Gould had a Thunderbirds parody show too at one point. But with more puppet sex.