Weirdly rare here, given how plentiful they were in, say, Montreal. I figured carpets made more sense in cold weather places, but there must be something else I'm missing.
I wonder if it is an age of the apartment. The older the place the more likely to have hardwood?
I still want a 20s-ish vintage, adobe-styled-after-um-I-dunno cottage house like in the older parts of my hometown. Wood floors, lots of arched doorways, neat wall niches, tin roof.
sara you have just described my new house, except no tin roof. I'll have to take pictures soon.
ooooh! new job day! good luck to all the new job folks.
Good luck at your new jobs, Allyson and Fone.
Hey Kat, how's your healing going? Are you still having much pain?
Go, Allyson! Rock that first day of work.
>it's part of the game, people! Deal with it!
Totally. Especially the way it worked out; it didn't hurt them at all. I would probably be more like nyah, you wasted your yield and your goodwill. I do think it's a valid choice not to use it, too, though.
OMG I LOVE this bookcase!
Schrödinger’s Pawn
Played with two chessboards. With this game, it's possible for a chess piece to be in two spaces at once (a la quantum superposition). And one can then collapse the two positions into one....
OMG I LOVE this bookcase!
Cool. You could totally add an LCD computer monitor that could flip down for you to use, and fold up when you're not using it.
What a great bookshelf!
Hey Kat, how's your healing going? Are you still having much pain?
Not too much. Just occasional twinges. By afternoon it's worse, but that seems to be the story of my life...I feel fine in the morning and by afternoon I feel ragged.
Ibuprofen is my friend.
There's a bit on pet insurance on the Today show...And seriously? It doesn't cover preventive care so what's the point?
There's a bit on pet insurance on the Today show...And seriously? It doesn't cover preventive care so what's the point?
They don't cover pre-existing conditions like hip dysplasia, either. I think it's for drastic emergencies like "hit by a car" or other trauma.
My coffee tastes funny. I think maybe that's because I just had some blackberry yogurt, but still. Not good. Blergh.
Julia is home with an assache. Literally. We went to my mother's for Easter dinner. Julia was in the den before dinner, went to sit in mum's desk chair, and somehow pushed it back (it's on wheels), and plopped on the floor, instead. I think she may have bruised her tailbone. Everything looks fine, but she says it hurts her to bend. She was a little ouchy going up over the stairs last night, too. It wasn't a big deal at the time. I didn't even know about the fall 'til she told me, after dinner.
Not too much. Just occasional twinges. By afternoon it's worse, but that seems to be the story of my life...I feel fine in the morning and by afternoon I feel ragged.
I'm glad it hass eased up, some. Ibuprofen is a good, good friend.