Grindhouse. I think I'm insane.
Was that a review or a premonition (I posted my spoiler-free opinion in Movies)?
DH reported Grindhouse as fun, but not nearly as much fun as he expected. And he is a big fan of both Tarantino and Rodriguez.
The crowd reacting was a big portion of the fun, and that seemed to peak on the non-feature segments (a few gross-out/action moments aside).
Unfortunately, there was a whole row of wannabee-hipster fanboys in front of me who seemed to be determined to not enjoy it for some reason. The louder the rest of the crowd reacted, the more stone-faced and "tsk"-y they got.
Apparently all of the suck decided to hit in the earlier part of this week, because I went shopping and scored two shirts, two skirts, and a pair of jeans for what I could have spent on a single dress. There was a package of goodies from my mom waiting in the building foyer. I just took a ridiculously long nap, and I have awesome hair.
I think herre is pronounced differently. Not sure if she does it, but the Dirrty South guys sure do.
Migraines. Ya know.
I enjoyed it, but I despair of a normal life. I suppose at some point I should just suck it up and accept it. Eh. Maybe tomorrow.
What I'm amusing myself with this morning: The Purple Store! Finally, a place for people like me (I am to purple the way msbelle is to pink). I wonder if they have purple bedsheets....
Grindhouse. Migraines. Ya know.
I was afraid that's what you meant. Sorry to hear that.
I have purple bedsheets. I think Wamsutta makes them. They're really nice, but basic and not super-expensive.
These are about the same color, though a diff brand. [link]
There is no bad mood that I can't cure by seeing my cats attempt to fight. They go all.... Matrix. I swear they somehow slow down time, and do bullet time in-the-air smack downs.
I'm importing this from LJ, because it seemed like such a Very Buffista Moment.
griffen posted the following story in the Metaquotes community.
Tim Curry visits the mall...
...and siodhchan had the good luck to be working in the store he visited.
Sort of.
I rush out of the office and notice "guy in a grey sweatsuit." and sorta "floomph" against the counter fanning myself with a piece of paper and say, "Wow. Ya ever have one of those days?"
And he says, "OH indeed."
In that voice.
And I lose all power of thought and speech and I'm just, er, buh. Can't talk. Standing in the store, trying not to have a hyperventilating fangirl moment. Can't. Talk. Forget sampling balsamic vinegar or you know, actually selling to him. TO OMGTIMCURRY. Who TALKED to me. Tim Curry talked to me and he has Voice and I'll be in my bunk and....
*floppy arms*
So he walks over to our display of honey body balms and other wonderful botanicals, and is examining them and I walk over to him, intending to say, "Ah, yes. These wonderful honey botanicals, so fragrant, made by nuns! When we uncap the bottles and spritz the store, they are so fragrant that bees fly into the store looking for the source of the smell. Reallywonderful stuff Mr. OMGPONIES Curry."
What came out of my mouth was, "That'll give you, er, bees."
"That'll GIVE YOU BEES." ya'll. I said. To OMGTIMCURRY. Bees.
He left the store rather rapidly. At which point, I walked behind the counter and sank onto my knees out of sight of the store and was muttering and laughing rather hysterically. Like ya do. After a horrible bee incident.
"BEES." *smacks head*
"FUckin BEES." *smack"
"TIM CURRY." *smack*
That'll give you, er, bees
This made me laugh hard enough to pull something. Bees!