McD was great as Buck Compton in Band of Brothers, but I haven't liked him in much else since then (haven't ever seen Boomtown).
Love shrift's hair!! Very pretty cut.
I am now waiting online to keep track of the ebay auction for my bridesmaid dress for sister's wedding--Kris (sis) is bidding on it for me up to a certain amount, and if it goes over that, I'm taking over the bid. Only have to wait until 9:38 central time, and it's currently at $33.98 (Kris's bid).
My swim after work was not as relaxing as I would have liked--I was partway through my mile, sharing the lap with another slow lap swimmer, and all of the sudden this lady comes strolling into the other swimmer's half-lane and sets up her aerobicize flotation devices to work out on the side of the pool. I went up to her and explained the circle swimming arrangement standard if you have three people in a lane, and she agreed to doing lap swimming instead of her aerobics, but I could tell she wasn't going to. Then, she noticed that the guy swimming on the other side of the pool was done and told me to go over there. I told her to since I was in the lane first, and she gave me some bullshit story about how she couldn't go there because it was deeper than our lane (completely false--it was the same as our side), and then she couldn't go there because her arm was sore and would bump into that wall (again, bullshit because she would have to swim the other direction, thus putting her "sore" arm on the inside of the pool). Finally, I just got all huffy and stomped over to the other side, fuming over people who don't know proper lane etiquette. It completely ruined my rhythm, and still makes me mad!