Oh. My god. My family is driving me INSANE. My sister is buying a lovely house near the college her daughters are at, and since OlderNiece hates her current neighborhood, she planned to let her move in there, still paying the same rent, which is an awesome deal. But sister wanted the place as an occasional getaway home, for herself and me. Instead of being happy to have a big lovely house for the same rent as a dinky 1-bedroom with drunks in the driveway, OlderNiece is throwing a FIT about having to let us stay at "her" house, ever. Because we'll make such a mess, with our cooking and using the bathroom. They're both rather hysterical people, not good listeners, and they've been screaming at each other over this for days. Luckily I'm not there to actually hear it, but it's almost as bad having my sister call me and tell her side of the story and then expect me to tell her what's wrong with her daughter and what she should do. (Of course, when I do advise her to do something, like, back off it for a bit, and send her an email instead of calling, she doesn't do it.) I should have known this family couldn't have something as cool as this house and share it like reasonable people who cared about each other.
Oh god, she's calling me again.