I'm eating cornbread in milk for breakfast. It's very tasty.
As we're at the end side of the Month Where I Didn't Work So I Could Finish The Book, I've transitioned to all my old poor food tricks.
First, of course, is to start making all the odd boxes and cans of stored food you've got but haven't touched in years. Now is the time to make that Irish Brown Bread mix, yes! Tuna salad with curry! Egg drop Ramen! Why did somebody give me a jar of Fig and Ginger Jam? WTF am I going to do with that? Curly pasta with salsa and black beans! Corn and...well, just corn I guess. I could probably do a corn and black bean salad of some sort. I've got rice. I've got some cheese ends. I've got a shalott. Risotto!
Put it on the Irish Brown Bread, dummy.
Umm, risotto.
The perils of internet houseguests: it's not just for ax-murderers anymore. [link]
HEC! How do you like the idea of me dragging my mother over to your place on Monday or Tuesday, you providing Slings & Arrows S3 and us providing tasty Italian food and wine? Does this sound good? JZ and I already discussed it, but I figured I'd get buy-in from you (I hate corporate speak).
The perils of internet houseguests: it's not just for ax-murderers anymore. [link]
I love the final panel of that one.
btw, you might want to change the link to a permanent one, as your link will point to a different comic tomorrow.
Before I get back to book finishing, I need to relate all the babble I heard from Matilda this morning:
Agaya Hey! Donnibop UNGAAAHH Dada okay. hooooooooooo unglicht Heeeey! wuzza glaiszhhh AHHHHHHH. Buh!
HEC! How do you like the idea of me dragging my mother over to your place on Monday or Tuesday, you providing Slings & Arrows S3 and us providing tasty Italian food and wine? Does this sound good? JZ and I already discussed it, but I figured I'd get buy-in from you (I hate corporate speak).
I'm buying in! Next Monday or Tuesday? I wanna meet your Mom.
However, the doctor forgot to take a picture at the first surgery and now doesn't know where the cancer is.
What!?! Bad doctor, no biscuit.
Matilda speaks in tongues!
ION, remember the whole debacle of me resigning from the PR committee and getting massively insulted for doing so? Between then and now, there have been some big conferences/events/parties that Group President had to be involved in, but now that all his commitments are finished, I got this e-mail from him last night:
I would like to set up a meeting with you to discuss the issues surrounding what happened in the PR committee.
The HELL? There is nothing to discuss. I resigned, committee!chairman went batshit insane, you allowed him to insult me, and I'M STILL OFF THE COMMITTEE.
No. Just....no.
I would bet serious money that he wants me back on the committee. Our group is planning a big 3-day weekend event in October, with 10-15 well-known speakers (that is, well-known in the kink world), and if everything comes together, it should be a Very Big Deal.
And as a Very Big Deal, it's going to need a lot of PR and promoting.
Which group!president can pull OUT OF HIS ASS, for all I care. Not even if he paid me my going rate would I offer my skills to him again. No. Fucking. Way.
I would like to set up a meeting with you to discuss the issues surrounding what happened in the PR committee.
You could say, "There
no issues. I left, issues went 'Poof!' Now the only issue left is between you and your ass - i.e. how you're gonna pull the PR out of it."