Crazy regionalities.
Indeed. Even the rat traps we rented as poor, college students included all the appliances. It makes sense that someone who wouldn't own a home, wouldn't want to invest in such a huge, non-portable appliance that is such a necessity.
Completely wacky.
I get to have my first MRI on Thursday. Any tips?
I get to have my first MRI on Thursday. Any tips?
If you're not claustrophobic, take a nap. My place gave me earphones and I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
So I can just listen to my Shuffle? He said it would be only thirty minutes.
I'm not claustrophobic, that I know of.
It'll be loud and clunky. And are you allowed to take anything with metal into the machine? (I don't know, as I was always busy freaking out during my MRIs.)
Any tips?
Valium if you are claustrophobic. Think of it as a great time for a nap if you aren't.
I need the brain bleach and giant swabs. My sister called to pester me about my travel plans - which, go me, I actually finalized this morning but I texted her to the wrong number, so she didn't get the message - and then went off on a tangent that ... there are just some things I don't want to know about my sister. Just? No.
I get to have my first MRI on Thursday. Any tips?
Ask 'em for a copy to take home to show off to friends and family....
So I can just listen to my Shuffle?
Your Shuffle would probably be murdered by the MRI. You're going to be inside a giant electromagnet. I'm not sure how they pipe in music, but I would not recommend you take the Shuffle.
So I can just listen to my Shuffle?
I think your Shuffle would end up stuck to the MRI for permanent. And all the good songs would go away. Magnets.
added: almost as bad as flowering trees.