And the fridge is sold.
It still amazes me that refrigerators are not provided with apartments in LA. I've never had to buy a major appliance for any apartment I've rented in the DC metro area. The only thing we had to buy for the house was a washer and dryer.
Crazy regionalities.
Yeah, when we moved to Milwaukee from NYC we ended up using coolers and camping stoves for two weeks since my parents hadn't budgeted for a kitchen containing only a sink. It would never have occured to them to even ask if those were going bye bye with the previous tenant. So, you know, they didn't.
Don't make me get the roundup.
I was thinking Agent Orange.
My brain just tried to bolt out of my head through my left eyeball. Which is painful as it turns out.
Crazy regionalities.
Indeed. Even the rat traps we rented as poor, college students included all the appliances. It makes sense that someone who wouldn't own a home, wouldn't want to invest in such a huge, non-portable appliance that is such a necessity.
Completely wacky.
I get to have my first MRI on Thursday. Any tips?
I get to have my first MRI on Thursday. Any tips?
If you're not claustrophobic, take a nap. My place gave me earphones and I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
So I can just listen to my Shuffle? He said it would be only thirty minutes.
I'm not claustrophobic, that I know of.
It'll be loud and clunky. And are you allowed to take anything with metal into the machine? (I don't know, as I was always busy freaking out during my MRIs.)
Any tips?
Valium if you are claustrophobic. Think of it as a great time for a nap if you aren't.
I need the brain bleach and giant swabs. My sister called to pester me about my travel plans - which, go me, I actually finalized this morning but I texted her to the wrong number, so she didn't get the message - and then went off on a tangent that ... there are just some things I don't want to know about my sister. Just? No.