I wish I could bring you a duck. Also, where is your butcher? (because I don't have one except for the dudes at Whole Foods)
I don't actually have one, or that duck's goose would be cooked. Um. There is (or at least used to be) a really good one in Everett, on Broadway (Rte. 99) -- McKinnon's.
Might be a good day to crawl into the bunker and shut the door.
But it's nice and warm out today and that makes my groggy brain happy. For once, I require no bunker!
(man it makes such a difference to not be cold All. The. Time.)
Also warmed by total neicephew OMG Cutitude.
(ETA quote context)
Yay, Ginger! Sending continued health~ma her way, just to be safe.
{{{Cindy}}} I know you didn't send the ick (even though Laura's post cracked me up), and I'm sorry about the muscles aches and the ducks.
This, though?
If it wouldn't require a trip to a butcher, I'd make roast duck tonight, just for the metaphorical revenge.
Made me laugh and laugh.
Also? You need to at least make a note of your story idea, just the seeds, so you can write it when the ducks have been slaughtered backed off.
she'll never have that recipe again....
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
That's good news, Ginger! Health ~ma still heading her way.
Cindy, I'll give the world a little kick for you.
I am thrilled to report that over the weekend I found the television clickers and the coats I was missing in a box labeled "misc."
OH THANK GOD! The library just checked in a book that I put on hold on the 7th (!) that I need for class today. I was getting panicky, because it's out of print and no longer available at the University bookstore. Phew!
Some days it's the little victories...
You know what I'm in love with? The little individual veggie trays by Green Giant.
I reserve my passion for the vegetables in bags that you just throw in the microwave without doing anything.
Cindy, they (whitefonted for the squeamish)
sucked out stuff through the tube in her nose.
Also, if what I'm reading elsewhere applies, low potassium can stop the muscles that move food along from working.
Ginger, I remember when my grandmother had to take either her fluid pill or a b.p. med (that might have addressed fluid retention, too), she had to take it with orange juice and/or a banana, so that makes sense. Your poor mom. Going through what she's been going through at any age is no picnic. Thinking of someone going through it at 81 is just awful. I'm so glad she is improving. Coffee might help her,
move things along,
Amy, I did write my story idea down. It's just frustrating, because I was in the mood to write like whoa (I mean, I wasn't going to pull a Grabien and churn out a book in a week, but it was like whoa for me).
I took the collar off and feel better. Well, my neck still hurts, but a lot of the ancillary discomfort went away. I still have to limit my computer time, though. The computer didn't cause it, but my body isn't liking it.
vw, I'm glad you got the book. It is often the little victories, in my opinion.
Right now, I'm waiting to hear from mum. My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer back in January. She had her surgery on February 8th. Her recovery has been good in some aspects (the incision healed well, and she hasn't had much pain), and bad in other aspects (with which I won't bore you all). Anyhow, today she has to see the oncologist, to find out whether or not she'll need any sort of treatment, or if the surgery was enough.
There's nothing louder than a phone that doesn't ring.
Gronkity gronk gronk gronk.
Up til midnight finishing up my final projects. Woke up at 4am to a baby standing next to the bed, crying. Shouldda never taught her how to walk.
Need caffiene.