You know what I'm in love with? The little individual veggie trays by Green Giant.
I reserve my passion for the vegetables in bags that you just throw in the microwave without doing anything.
Cindy, they (whitefonted for the squeamish)
sucked out stuff through the tube in her nose.
Also, if what I'm reading elsewhere applies, low potassium can stop the muscles that move food along from working.
Ginger, I remember when my grandmother had to take either her fluid pill or a b.p. med (that might have addressed fluid retention, too), she had to take it with orange juice and/or a banana, so that makes sense. Your poor mom. Going through what she's been going through at any age is no picnic. Thinking of someone going through it at 81 is just awful. I'm so glad she is improving. Coffee might help her,
move things along,
Amy, I did write my story idea down. It's just frustrating, because I was in the mood to write like whoa (I mean, I wasn't going to pull a Grabien and churn out a book in a week, but it was like whoa for me).
I took the collar off and feel better. Well, my neck still hurts, but a lot of the ancillary discomfort went away. I still have to limit my computer time, though. The computer didn't cause it, but my body isn't liking it.
vw, I'm glad you got the book. It is often the little victories, in my opinion.
Right now, I'm waiting to hear from mum. My aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer back in January. She had her surgery on February 8th. Her recovery has been good in some aspects (the incision healed well, and she hasn't had much pain), and bad in other aspects (with which I won't bore you all). Anyhow, today she has to see the oncologist, to find out whether or not she'll need any sort of treatment, or if the surgery was enough.
There's nothing louder than a phone that doesn't ring.
Gronkity gronk gronk gronk.
Up til midnight finishing up my final projects. Woke up at 4am to a baby standing next to the bed, crying. Shouldda never taught her how to walk.
Need caffiene.
Nora! I'm glad you had a good time this weekend. Welcome back.
Cindy, I'm sorry about the ducks. They were supposed to leave you alone after the big family illness.
{{{AmyLiz}}} I'm sorry about the ick being passed through your family. I hope you all feel better soon.
Ginger, I'm glad to read that your mother is better today. Continued ~ma to her.
I was going to get up early today and get moving on this day. It so didn't happen.
Bad Monday. My troubles however are small, and my boss took the day off, so I shall not gripe. Much.
Skimming can be dangerous. I was reading about Cindy's back hurting, and shoulder, and suddenly ".. trip to the butcher..." Um, just getting rid of the hurty parts is a plan, I guess!
There's nothing louder than a phone that doesn't ring.
Sing it, sister.
In further annals of Ginger's Mother's Scary Hospital Stay: She ate bacon and eggs! She walked down the hall!
Even better, they're setting her up in a rehab program for congestive heart failure, where she'll go in several times a week for exercise and diet monitoring. This is something that should have happened a long time ago.
Ginger, that sounds great! YAY! So glad to hear it!
That's wonderful, Ginger!
Ginger, that is so great. YAY Mom!
Skimming can be dangerous. I was reading about Cindy's back hurting, and shoulder, and suddenly ".. trip to the butcher..." Um, just getting rid of the hurty parts is a plan, I guess!
Hee. I'm already all, "Cut me, Mick!" Four Advil seems to have helped, but not enough.
sj, thanks, sweetie. Truthfully (and AmyLiz will back me up, here) even the family illness was duck stuff. It happens when you have three kids.
My aunt got good-enough news from the Oncologist, so thank you God, and yay on that. They staged the cancers at stage 2. If she were 50-ish, the Oncologist would recommend chemo, because there is a 10-15% chance it could come back in (I think my mother said) 10-15 years.
My aunt is 74 years old. The Oncologist said she's not discriminating against my aunt based on age, but that age and physical condition factor in when they make these decisions, because of how chemo beats up the body -- which makes total sense.
My aunt *so* didn't want chemo. I can't even begin to tell you. So this news is good enough. They got all the cancer. There's not a huge chance of it coming back any time soon. She'll have a follow up in three months.