Hi Bitches.
Just read some posts.
I do not have ADD/ADHD, but my ex-girlfriend had it bad and my sister has it as well. The medication helps a lot, though ex-gf also felt it made her over-dependent and was trying to decide if she wanted to wean herself off of it. It didn't always play well with her anxiety problems. My sister didn't like the side effects she had (it made her lose weight, which, considering she's 115 pounds and 5'10" on a normal day, is a bad thing) so stopped using it. I think just the diagnosis was enough to improve her self-esteem about schoolwork - now she has even less reason to compare herself to me and my brother, as we're hyper-focusers.
I also like toe socks, though they do not make them in my size because toe sock makers are sexist.
I feel like I should get more candles. But I probably won't.
It IS far too early to get up, especially on vacation (woohoo vacation!). I got a text from a friend telling me to look at the newspaper: apparently, a friend of ours got arrested for smoking pot outside of a concert. This would normally be fairly minor, except that she's a teacher, as were the people she was with, which apparently makes a fifth-degree possession charge with a desk-appearance ticket news. Her name is published for the world to see - thanks a lot AM New York, and remind me not to read you anymore - and apparently she might get transferred to another school. Which may be no big, since she doesn't love her school, but our fellowship program is going to be annoyed. Apparently she's on vacation somewhere out of the country, so I can't even call her and find out what's the what.