Whew. Finally caught up.
I need a lie down.
In Bitchy news, I now own a corset. The woman in the store reminded me mightily of Betsy--nothing physical, though--it was all in the cadence of her speech, and in her interests.
And soon I will have pie, for lo the oven blasts its mighty heat at my pastry.
Google has a particularly silly new product up, in honor of the day.
Okay, I'm loving this blog post about Michelle Malkin's latest xenophobic hate mongering, primarily because of the Firefly shoutout near the end.
Bah. I'm in a mood. Best friend called because we were to have plans next weekend. We both have a bunch of stuff going on, so it looks like it may be put off for a while.
Toward the end of the convo she tells me now non favorite ex who is apparently still dating ex-friend, his dad died yesterday. j I have no desire to call and offer condolences, but am feeling verrry conflicted. Just reminds me of all the stuff we used to share, but it's not as if he sent condolences when my grandparents or friend died. I'm just all antsy and bleargh and people are assholes who you nevertheless have to feel compassion for. Fuckers.
Google has a particularly silly new product up, in honor of the day.
Ok. That's pretty funny.
I'm sorry DJ. That sounds not fun, and well, kind of icky.
I have an annotated bibliography due in class tomorrow. I've kind of started it, but have hours of work to do on it yet. I also need a nap, because I'm exhausted. I figured I'd get more done if I slept a bit and had more energy/concentration. Well, Upstairs!Neighbor has VERY loud people over, so I can't sleep. But, I also can't concentrate on this work. I'm ready to shoot someone.
Thanks, vw, icky is exactly how it feels.
I'm ready to shoot someone.
I say we get ita to teach us how to kick people in the head.
I say we get ita to teach us how to kick people in the head.
That sounds fun, but maybe another day when I actually have energy to lift my leg!
I think you should try a nice relaxing bubble bath and a fluffy book. Not the same as a nap, but it may help you focus.
Actually that sounds kind of nice. Might relax my back a bit too.
Hie thee to the tub, young lady!