Google has a particularly silly new product up, in honor of the day.
Ok. That's pretty funny.
I'm sorry DJ. That sounds not fun, and well, kind of icky.
I have an annotated bibliography due in class tomorrow. I've kind of started it, but have hours of work to do on it yet. I also need a nap, because I'm exhausted. I figured I'd get more done if I slept a bit and had more energy/concentration. Well, Upstairs!Neighbor has VERY loud people over, so I can't sleep. But, I also can't concentrate on this work. I'm ready to shoot someone.
Thanks, vw, icky is exactly how it feels.
I'm ready to shoot someone.
I say we get ita to teach us how to kick people in the head.
I say we get ita to teach us how to kick people in the head.
That sounds fun, but maybe another day when I actually have energy to lift my leg!
I think you should try a nice relaxing bubble bath and a fluffy book. Not the same as a nap, but it may help you focus.
Actually that sounds kind of nice. Might relax my back a bit too.
Hie thee to the tub, young lady!
Daisy is a genius.
Well, now Ben has the stomach bug. Chris came down with it on Tuesday and was back in school on Friday (and mostly all right by Thursday, but I like to wait a day before I send them back to school). I was kind of hoping the rest of us had escaped unscathed.
Now the clock resets, and we wait to see who else will get it.
I thought I'd put those germs on notice! Stupid germs!
I know, but eryone had such a hard time here in March, that healthy little kids getting a mild stomach virus feels like a bit of a blessing.
Now if Mommy catches it...
I'm not a mother, but I imagine watching your little loved ones go through being sick is rather upsetting, even without the "fun" messiness of the bodily fluids. Our suckiness doesn't negate yours. ((((Cindy & Topic! family)))