You got your students to show up for Saturday detention? We had five students scheduled last week, the parents all agreed to it, and we were VOLUNTEERING... and not a one showed up.
3 out of 4. I had to call one's sister and he came late. But Sat. school is the only way they can make-up excessive absences, and not lose their credits for classes. It's either repeat a semester, or Saturday school.
They are bored out of their skulls. 7 hours of schoolwork -- the horror! Me, I watched the first episode of "The Riches." Ans am thinking about ordering some lunch.
Oh, and if you want to suck up good, so they look petty saying anything -- bring some flowers for your aunt, because she's the one that gave birth all those 16 years ago.
Oh, hot! I was supposed to give her flowers ages ago anyway. If only I knew where the hell one got flowers from that didn't cost $75 or whatever.
As for the younger generation, I'm pretty sure they're tired of the family too. My little sister has been bitching to me ever since she became a teenager.
I couldn't think of a good present, but I finally decided on a Barnes and Noble gift card to be used toward HP7, as she's a big HP fan.
Coffee drunk, shower had. Must summon energy to leave house! The good thing is that once I'm out, I can actually go to school and do some of the work I left there on Friday. Still, I so just want to crawl under the covers again. Eek! Gotta go!
Trader Joe's usually has some gorgeous bouquets if you get there in the morning; IIRC, they run 9.99-14.99, with maybe an obscenely lush and multicolored beauty going for around $20.
Oh, hot! I was supposed to give her flowers ages ago anyway. If only I knew where the hell one got flowers from that didn't cost $75 or whatever.
Get her good ones if you can swing it. It'll make them all die from all the nast things they can't say.
Every year, my mum's secretary got a dozen roses from her son-in-law on his wife's birthday. I always thought that was so smooooooooove.
PC, may I strongly suggest that in addition to or instead of the gift card, you perhaps get her a small piece of jewelry or something else that she can keep. I have a nasty feeling that your family will expect some sort of special keepsake type gift for a major birthday such as this.
Tatoo! Tatoo! Get her a tatoo!!
That's a HELL of a keepsake!