But behind closed doors, I know I'll never hear the end of it if I don't go.
P-C, you're never going to hear the end of anything. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Since they're always going to be ragging at you for something, you might as well do what you want. Just buy your cousin a present. Or take her out to dinner by herself and talk about the rest of the family. She's probably as frustrated as you are. For one, I suspect that at 16 she'd rather spend her birthday with her friends.
It's lovely to hear about your birthday, libkitty.
Once lice aren't attached to people, they starve to death pretty quickly.
The news keeps saying "Oh, my god. Don't get in your car!" The Final Four is here tonight, and they expect a brazillion crazed basketball fans.
HMOG, I am totally not feeling this annotated bibliography work today.
Just buy your cousin a present. Or take her out to dinner by herself and talk about the rest of the family.
This. Tell your aunt that rather than be rushed and put in a token appearance, you'd like to treat your cousin to a really special dinner(emphasize just the two of you, so you don't wind up treating everyone to dinner). Insert phrases about importance of family, special birthday, yadda yadda yadda.
I agree that there's a good chance your cousin is probably just as frustrated and would love to find an ally within the family.
I am thinking P-c, that there might be a point in what the others are saying. Maybe it is time for the younger generation to start coming together
I'd actually vote for token appearance with present, followed by Special Dinner Dinner or Day Trip with her after. That should mollify a bit.
Take her into San Francisco and show her around. Lots of shoe stores on Haight Street, plus Amoeba. Or to the Mission and the Pirate store and you could go to Bombay Bazaar and get saffron ice cream.
Oh, and if you want to suck up good, so they look petty saying anything -- bring some flowers for your aunt, because she's the one that gave birth all those 16 years ago.
Happy belated b-day, libkitty!!
We're off to see 300 in IMAX now.
I am at school on the first day of spring break, doing Saturday detention. I have two students, and all of Season 7 of Buffy. AND I get paid about $150 for it.
You got your students to show up for Saturday detention? We had five students scheduled last week, the parents all agreed to it, and we were VOLUNTEERING... and not a one showed up.
Also, happy Cesar Chavez Day, everybody! Well, everybody in California, I guess. I must shower and go to the parade. Because I like my students and I want to participate in the community MORE than I want to get a full night's sleep and watch movies. Yes. Really I do. Yes.
Anyway, any local SF folks wanting to see a parade, it starts at noon at 24th and Potrero, heading up 24th (convenient BART stop!). I will be taking pictures, and cheering those honor roll students leading the parade. [link]