Oh, and if you want to suck up good, so they look petty saying anything -- bring some flowers for your aunt, because she's the one that gave birth all those 16 years ago.
Oh, hot! I was supposed to give her flowers ages ago anyway. If only I knew where the hell one got flowers from that didn't cost $75 or whatever.
As for the younger generation, I'm pretty sure they're tired of the family too. My little sister has been bitching to me ever since she became a teenager.
I couldn't think of a good present, but I finally decided on a Barnes and Noble gift card to be used toward HP7, as she's a big HP fan.
Coffee drunk, shower had. Must summon energy to leave house! The good thing is that once I'm out, I can actually go to school and do some of the work I left there on Friday. Still, I so just want to crawl under the covers again. Eek! Gotta go!
Trader Joe's usually has some gorgeous bouquets if you get there in the morning; IIRC, they run 9.99-14.99, with maybe an obscenely lush and multicolored beauty going for around $20.
Oh, hot! I was supposed to give her flowers ages ago anyway. If only I knew where the hell one got flowers from that didn't cost $75 or whatever.
Get her good ones if you can swing it. It'll make them all die from all the nast things they can't say.
Every year, my mum's secretary got a dozen roses from her son-in-law on his wife's birthday. I always thought that was so smooooooooove.
PC, may I strongly suggest that in addition to or instead of the gift card, you perhaps get her a small piece of jewelry or something else that she can keep. I have a nasty feeling that your family will expect some sort of special keepsake type gift for a major birthday such as this.
Tatoo! Tatoo! Get her a tatoo!!
That's a HELL of a keepsake!
PC, may I strongly suggest that in addition to or instead of the gift card, you perhaps get her a small piece of jewelry or something else that she can keep. I have a nasty feeling that your family will expect some sort of special keepsake type gift for a major birthday such as this.
Ha, well, for that, they can suck it. She just got a hundred-dollar diamond whatever from me a couple weeks ago. And, freakily enough,
I don't think my mom knows about the party.
Like, she just called me and told me to go see a movie if I'm not doing anything. What this means is that she
eventually find out about it, but she won't have had time to drum up expectations as to my actions. Or something. Besides, she doesn't have a leg to stand on if she didn't tell me what to do. Of course, then I'll get the "It's just common courtesy" thing.
Ooookay, fuck it, this is awesome. My mom randomly gave me fifty bucks when she visited. I was actually planning on saving that to take the family out to dinner like I'm supposed to when they come see my apartment, but I'll just load up the gift card with all that, because that amuses me. Money is annoying, and I can't keep track of where all of it goes.