Thank you d. Glad you had a nice time!
I am so ready to leave work right now. Meeting hell all day long.
However I have 2 stories to share. At grandaddy's funeral, a big deal was made about him calling Mimi "the game warden." So, when I was at the funeral home Thursday after she died, I had to help fill out the paperwork for the death certificate since most of my family has poor eyesight and even poorer memories. (My father was not there, and I have a whole rant about that that can wait for another day). Anyway, filling out stuff like Mimi's place of birth, parents names, parish in which she resided, most of that stuff isn't a problem. The occupation blank however, stumped me. Wife and mother, cook, housekeeper all those memories of the things she was. Then my uncle cocks an eyebrow at me and says, "GAME WARDEN!"
Second, last night K and I were on the phone talking about various things being divvied up, and how her step mother wanted our great aunt's paintings
for her son's church auction.
Dude. No. I said something about, "She just doesn't get being a Morgan!" and Mr. Jane shouts from the other room, "NOBODY DOES!"
My husband needs to work from home. Less.
Cindy, as the old saying has it, "give a man a fish and you feed him today; teach a man to fish and you get him out of the house for an entire weekend".
Yay Kristin!
Dude. If this woman does not stop walking back and forth into my office muttering to herself, I AM GOING TO FLIP OUT LIKE A MAMMAL!
Daisy, those are awesome stories.
I went to pick up my shoe from the shoe repair place and ended up chatting with the owner and his best friend for about an hour. SO FUN. I love my neighborhood.
Cindy, as the old saying has it, "give a man a fish and you feed him today; teach a man to fish and you get him out of the house for an entire weekend".
I'm writing that down. He's been working from home a lot lately, and the kids are getting on his nerves, but it's stuff I learned to turn a deaf ear to long ago (bickering amongst themselves, coming in and out a dozen times when they're outside playing). The kids getting on his nerves is getting on my nerves.
He just ran to the store. I told him to take his time. I don't have much of a poker face, so I expect he knew it wasn't his sanity I was trying to save.
Dude. If this woman does not stop walking back and forth into my office muttering to herself, I AM GOING TO FLIP OUT LIKE A MAMMAL!
Yipes. Sorry, DJ, I didn't realize I was wandering into your office. At least I'm singing!
(Okay, so I'm singing Metallica, but still. There's entertainment to be had here.)
(Yes, singing keeps me calm.)
In what ways do mammals flip out differently than, say, reptiles? Are amphibians so naturally phlegmatic that they're not reknowned for flipping out? Are avians just too flightly to even be used as a standard of measure?
These, and other thoughts, are brought to you by Mid-Afternoon Friday.