t is reminded that batstuff is the *sane* part of the DC 'verse
'Out Of Gas'
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Sometimes I miss reading comics. But Comics buying money is so far away from the priority list for me, it's not even on the same planet, let alone the same sheet of paper.
Plei -- not saying no good came of it. Just saying SUPERBOY PRIME PUNCHED TIME!!!! Which is a bit much.
Yeah, I'm with Victor on the concept being lame with a capital ame.
Though, yeah, a bit much.
....and he's written a little song about it.
Dan Didio was asked about this on Newsarama. Here's his response -
Q: Is there a plausible explanation as to WHY and HOW Superboy Prime can alter reality by hitting some sort of imaginary wall? Even in the quasi-scientific world of superhero comics, that's a real big stretch.
w DD: We explained that following CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS when the multiverse collapsed into one universe and one world, that one world was not fully settled and still resonated with vibrations of the other worlds. When Alex Luthor created the “heaven” dimension where the four heroes escaped, it was built from the remnant energies of the Multiverse and closed around them like a cocoon. The pounding on a wall built from the Multiverse, affected a universe still resonating with the Multiverse, thereby changing time and history. Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
Simple? Next up, Grant Morrison explains Hypertime.
So, Newsarama has posted its Crisis Recovery for issue 6. There are some priceless lines and plenty of filler. This is one of my faves -
Q: Batman is asking Sasha to get Oracle to upload all of the computer viruses on earth to Brother Eye?
A: It worked in Independence Day didn’t it? Wouldn’t you have loved to see the thought process Batman had for that? “I was watching this movie the other night…was that Paxton or Pullam in it? Anyway…let’s see, they had a giant invading force coming, and what did they do? Man…Vivica Fox was hot in that. She’s really let herself go since she started dating 50 Cent…back to topic Bruce, back to topic….what did they do…Randy Newman! That’s it, we need Randy…no, no, no…good soldier, Bruce, be a good soldier….computer viruses! That’s it. Who has a Mac? Let’s see….Ollie? Yeah, that old pinko bastard has to be an Apple guy. Let me call him. Brother Eye is going down! Hey – that guy that played Data on Star Trek was in that movie too…”
Q: A jillion viruses? That will do it?
A: As Batman said, he’s all about distracting Brother Eye at this point. But yeah, it would’ve been awesome to see on all the different screens around the satellite things like “You’ve been h%cked suxx0rs!” and random pictures of porn.
So, essentially, as Brother Eye is defending itself against Batman and his Outsiders, part of its computer brain is wondering if he should help M’BATU KAFRINA transfer 60 MILLION DOLLARS into one of its many bank accounts, because this guy seems so trustworthy. And another part of its brain is mulling over if, as a satellite, it actually needs a bigger penis, but regardless, those are good prices for Cialis. And another part of its brain is in a chat room, waiting for the HOT CHIX to show up…but it’s starting to think it’s been tricked.
Q: So he’s systematically destroying alternate earths?
A: Yep. And not only that, he’s destroying any stories that ever happened on those earths, and with them, your comics with those stories in them. Go look now – check your long boxes. All you’ve got left are ashes. Sorry.