It was OMAC #5 not #6. Unless OMAC is going to 7 issues.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Got Ult X-Men, Ult. Spidey and Ult. Secret #3 today.
Ult. X-Men was okay. Nothing special.
Ult. Spidey's current storyline continues to be entertaining. Also, was happy to learn the events of the Annual will start coming into play after this storyline finishes.
Ult. Secret was actually a lot of fun. I was tempted not to bother with it, but there was a lot of great dialogue in this one, so I'm glad I picked it up. Didn't realize the Ult. Fantastic Four were all teenagers, though That's kind of wierd.
It was OMAC #5 not #6. Unless OMAC is going to 7 issues.
I was just going by the Diamond shipping list, which said that OMAC #6 was out this week. Since my store didn't get it, I don't actually know which it was supposed to be.
The issue I bought had #6 on the cover.
Huh, maybe I bought #5. (So confused. . . it didn't seem to end. . . perhaps my shop didn't get #6.)
It's down to Miller vs Moore. What a shock.
Moore will win, as is right. If Gaiman had been on the other bracket though it would've been Gaiman vs. Moore in the finals, I'd wager.
As would have been really right.
So no JLU last night. I ended up taping Naruto and some really stupid show that were in its timeslot. WTF?
Those guys make Fox's scheduling seem sensible. I've already seen the TT/DP episode, like, three times.