At his usual "Cup o' Joe" panel and in a follow-up panel called "Mondo Marvel," Marvel Comics' Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada talked about numerous happenings in the future of the universes he manages, as well as a new writers incentive called "The 10 Terrific."
"The 10 Terrific" are Joss Whedon ("Astonishing X-Men"), Reginald Hudlin ("Marvel Knights Spider-Man," "Black Panther"), Allen Heinberg ("Young Avengers"), Dan Slott ("She-Hulk"), Roberto Sacasa ("Marvel Knights 4"), Greg Pak ("Warlock," "Iron Man: House of M," "Marvel 1602: The New World"), Daniel Way ("Venom," "Bullseye: Greatest Hits"), David Hine ("NYX," "Mutopia X"), Sean McKeever ("Sentinel," "Mary Jane," "Gravity"), and Robert Kirkman ("Marvel Team-Up," "Fantastic Four: Foes").
"These guys are going to be getting a super boost from Marvel," Quesada said. "Each [writer] will be getting a regular series or a major mini-series that will hopefully push them to that next level."