So no JLU last night. I ended up taping Naruto and some really stupid show that were in its timeslot. WTF?
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Those guys make Fox's scheduling seem sensible. I've already seen the TT/DP episode, like, three times.
At his usual "Cup o' Joe" panel and in a follow-up panel called "Mondo Marvel," Marvel Comics' Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada talked about numerous happenings in the future of the universes he manages, as well as a new writers incentive called "The 10 Terrific."
"The 10 Terrific" are Joss Whedon ("Astonishing X-Men"), Reginald Hudlin ("Marvel Knights Spider-Man," "Black Panther"), Allen Heinberg ("Young Avengers"), Dan Slott ("She-Hulk"), Roberto Sacasa ("Marvel Knights 4"), Greg Pak ("Warlock," "Iron Man: House of M," "Marvel 1602: The New World"), Daniel Way ("Venom," "Bullseye: Greatest Hits"), David Hine ("NYX," "Mutopia X"), Sean McKeever ("Sentinel," "Mary Jane," "Gravity"), and Robert Kirkman ("Marvel Team-Up," "Fantastic Four: Foes").
"These guys are going to be getting a super boost from Marvel," Quesada said. "Each [writer] will be getting a regular series or a major mini-series that will hopefully push them to that next level."
Great moments in comics posters: [link]
I remember that one (I was a mere tad at the time). There was a Thor one too, that featured a Jack Kirby rendering of an Asgardian goddess.
Does anyone have a V Delphi account? I'm interested in this piece about scanned comics (much of Marvel is online, they say).
Spike vs. Dracula--Five issue limited series that IDW just got the go-ahead for, charting the history of the Spike/Dracula feud and why specifically Dracula owes Spike money. Slated to feature guest appearances by Drusilla, Darla, Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood, and Adolf Hitler. Slated for early next year.
Okay, this is funny. I hope it's written as funny too.
Okay, that could be the Spike movie right there.
And it would be Spike + Dru -- which would be excellent.
Spike, Dru and Ed Wood? Genius.