Moore kind of lost me from the dueling Prometheas on, but up to the point where Sophie returned from her trip up the 32nd Path I thought it was as good as anything Gaiman has written.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I've tried to block out much of it, but was that near the end of the series? Because, yeah, it started out fantastic. Like I said, the Weeping Gorilla.
And then there's Invisibles. I have a hard time reading a comic about beings from another dimension fucking with people's heads when I know that the writer BELIEVES IT HAPPENED TO HIM. Seriously.
So, Serenity #3 was a bit of a let-down to me. Okay, so the Blue Hands are actually wearing a full-body suit ? As reveals go, considering there was no explanation, it doesn't really amount to much. And they were independant contractors ? How the hell were they allowed to just melt the brain of anyone they felt like, including Alliance soldiers ?
Also, why were Simon and Book waiting outside the hatch with wrenches instead of getting some of the numerous firearms onboard Serenity ?
About the only part I really liked was Mal shooting Dobson again "Just to make sure."
Ultimate Spidey was a lot of fun, if not particularly mindblowing or anything.
The current "battle of the comic book writers" matchups pit Gaiman against Geoff Johns. Which is just not fair. Also, Warren Ellis against Grant Morrison.
Huh. Morrison is kicking Ellis ass.
By a much wider margin than Gaiman is leading over Johns. Weird.
Yeah, I thought Ellis would be a contender for the championship, but Morrison is doing better than anticipated.
And Azzarello is losing BADLY. Which is just sad, because 100 Bullets is tops, baby. And Kirkman is going DOWN against Miller. Which isn't a surprise, Kirkman's too new, but, damn. Makes me want to turn into a zombie and bite Frank Miller's ass, or something.
I think that many fans of superhero books do not feel especially kindly toward Ellis. Heh.
Because he has nothing but contempt for the genre, and would gladly skull-fuck the lot of them?
I can dig it.
I don't know if he has contempt for the genre exactly, but contempt for its domination of the industry, definitely.
But that's a big yes on the skull-fucking.
Of course, Ennis did "The Pro" and he seems to be doing okay. But that may have slipped under the radar for a lot of people.
Wait. Are we talking Ellis or Ennis? I mean, both are big on the skull-fucking, but . . . . Remember, Ennis did a wonderful Authority series. Or was that Ellis?