I don't know if he has contempt for the genre exactly, but contempt for its domination of the industry, definitely.
But that's a big yes on the skull-fucking.
Of course, Ennis did "The Pro" and he seems to be doing okay. But that may have slipped under the radar for a lot of people.
Wait. Are we talking Ellis or Ennis? I mean, both are big on the skull-fucking, but . . . . Remember, Ennis did a wonderful Authority series. Or was that Ellis?
The Authority started as Ellis.
I think that many fans of superhero books do not feel especially kindly toward Ellis.
This hasn't been my experience, but I tend to avoid superhero book forums, so I only have real life and my fandom echo chambers to fall back on, and the Cult of Ellis is strong in my circles. Morrison is appreciated, but not reveared.
Of course, part of my shock may have been that I voted for Ellis, and I feel like I've been playing the chalk throughout, so to see him behind Morrison (who I adore, but who lacks the focus that makes Ellis so memorable) made the o.O face happen.
I was a little alarmed at how well Dixon was doing. He's good at world building, but outside of his Year Ones, he doesn't really do much beyond that, and wasn't he pitted against Moore? Should have been a bloodbath.
Right now Moore's leading with almost 87% of the vote. I'd call that a bloodbath.
Right now Moore's leading with almost 87% of the vote. I'd call that a bloodbath.
It's a blood footsoak unless one of them's down to single digits.
And 13% for Dixon? Over MOORE?
I just feel it should be bloodier.
13% of the voters in my hometown cast for a sheriff candidate that advocated publicly televised executions and spent the night before the election in jail due to his DWI/no insurance/expired license multi-car collision that put two of my friends in the hospital. That's the number I always think of in terms of people grumpily voting against the lead candidate rather than for anyone in particular.
I think it's thoughtless of Ennis & Ellis to have similar names. And attitudes.
the Cult of Ellis is strong in my circles.
Well, you travel in right-thinking circles! Heh. I didn't mean all superhero fans, but I think there is a portion of the audience that he's quite happily antagonized. I don't follow the comics fandom really (hell, I don't even recognize a lot of the names in the giant deathmatch), so my impression is mostly based on the WEF and comments I see when he does an interview. Which may not be the best sample, to be fair.
Morrison & Ellis was a nearly impossible choice for me, but I went with Ellis, because Transmet remains my favorite comic ever.
Johns getting eliminated early by the Gaiman juggernaut is kind of sad, because Johns is the current ruler and protector of mainstream, straight-ahead superhero comics and deserves a good fight, but I had to nod to the master.
I'm not too sorry - when Johns is good he's really good, but he's been one of the driving forces behind a lot of the stuff that I haven't liked at DC lately. I excuse him because the JSA gets more respect than anyone else on his watch, and those are my favorite characters.
By contrast, for me Gaiman runs the gamut from "best work in the history of comics" to "merely better than almost everyone else's work" depending on the project.