So, the store near my office was sold out (I called before I walked). I decided to go the e-bay way. This is kinda fun. Thanks for the advice.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Several creators/retailers I know have contributed interesting arguments that DH's Buffy comics are vastly undersold, to the tune of ranking @115-120 on the month of release. Including Fray.
I can understand them going OGN (Tales of the Vampire), to get into bookstores where people will hopefully rack them near the other Buffy titles.
The thing is, I can't imagine Buffy/Angel costing as much as their other major license, Star Wars. It is possible that Fox licensing is a pain to deal with. Or Dark Horse is investing their efforts into their own homegrown projects...
So, who's read 1602? I wanna talk about it, and I have no patience whatsoever.
I bought it 2 hours ago, but this pesky thing called "work" is keeping me from reading it for another hour or so.
I have no funds. I hope there is a copy left tomorrow.
I called the comic shop - they're holding 1602. But I probably won't be able to pick it up 'til Friday. (They sold out of the other thing -- the children's book.)
I've finished it Holli.
Steph speaks for me. Except it may be a few more hours for me to get to the book. It will be at the top of my list, though.
The thing is, I can't imagine Buffy/Angel costing as much as their other major license, Star Wars. It is possible that Fox licensing is a pain to deal with. Or Dark Horse is investing their efforts into their own homegrown projects...
I wouldn't think that the license wouldn't cost much either, but I have no idea if that is true or not. The lateness of Fray cost them a bit, I'm sure.
I understand that 1602 contains a lot of "in-jokes" for those familair with the Marvel universe. Would someone not at all familiar with that universe (i.e. me), still enjoy the series?
I can understand them going OGN (Tales of the Vampire), to get into bookstores where people will hopefully rack them near the other Buffy titles.
My Borders puts the Buffy books in the the kid section of the store - not even the young adult, but the full-on colorful-carpet-and-pillows kiddie section. Weird. My other more local-er bookstore puts them in the YA section with some scattered in the mostly non-fiction "Hollywood/TV" section. Both stores put GNs in a totally other section that screams "If you are not male and do not speak at least 20 words of Klingon, don't even think about browsing here!"
Poor Buffy - foiled by bad marketing at every turn.
ION, I just bought the Last Man TPB, 1602 and new Ult. Spidey. Whee! No time to read until home though. When come back will bring probably not that insightful observations.