I seem to recall him being rather fixated on Logan in the beginning.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Geez, sounds like they need to get the guy a boyfriend, stat!
Green Arrow needs to lose the new art team. Painful. Painful.
I agree. The thing of it is, I think they do pretty well when Team Green is in action, but when it comes to close-ups or character moments, all that I can think is Paul Coker Jr. of Mad magazine, good for comedy, nsm straight-on superheroes.
BTW, is anybody else reading Justice League Elite ? Ollie is up to his old tricks in that title.
All the characters in Green Arrow look like they've taken double doses of the Joker's toxin.
JLU. Heh. When I used to read Mister Miracle back in the day, Vermin Vunderbar always sounded like Arte Johnson in my head. OTOH, I never, ever, figured Granny Goodness would sound like Ed Asner.
I'd always imagined Margaret Hamilton, myself.
Yup. That's about what I imagined, too.
I find I always freeze frame on the credits, and then one name means I have to go back and listen again. Ioan Gruffud is this week's dude-I-should-have-known voice.
Busting in to ask a question. Ben watches Static Shock, and Batman makes an occasional crossover. Ben wants to know why Batman is always so grumpy. He watches JLU, once in a while, but hasn't seen enough to get a feel for Batman's personality from it.
I don't want to mess up canon for him. Is the story from the first Michael Keaton Batman film, basically correct--that is, Joker killed Bruce Wayne's folks? Is there a reasonably concise answer I can give to him?
The movie is not exactly canon. Bruce Wayne's folks were killed in a mugging, just not by the Joker. Bruce still has lots of issues resulting from the death of his parents, so that's why he's so grumpy.