Joss writes the funniest X-Men I've read in a long time. Not only am I grooving on Kitty, but
Wolverine's "I really like beer."
made me laugh out loud in the restaurant. I noticed that someone wrote in to say the callback to the fastball special made them tear up.
X-Men itself was fairly sweet -- next year is Peter Milligan -- has he written X before?
Not going to pick up comics today. It's way too cold.
Jesus CHRIST. I made the mistake of wandering around the internet looking for a bio on Lady Shiva and found a board arguing about DC's greatest martial artists. Ultimate savage geekfest beyond all redemption.
It made Who's Stronger Hulk vs. Thor? look like
Remembrance Of Things Past.
Dear lord. Totally Batgirl. (uh, where was it?)
(uh, where was it?)
You'll be sorry. There's this whole Karate Kid thing.
The Eltingville Club take on DC's Greatest Martial Artists.
got Astonishing #7 and Green Arrow #45. They seem to be leagues apart in quality.
Oh, dear, Hec, that's HYSTERICAL. Cassandra has her defenders, but damn, there's not much reading happening there.
How was GA, Elais?
How was GA, Elais?
I went to the comic shop to get Astonishing and spotted GA with Speedy on the cover. After reading about that character being the one with HIV, I decided to get it too.
It starts out with Speedy (don't know her name) giving a talk about HIV in front of a group of students. GA gets into a fighty fight with Brick, Speedy convinces GA to let her become his side-kick, end of story. I kinda liked Speedy's arguement at the end, but the dialogue and artwork seemed came across as a little too dumbed-down.
Astonished seemed to have said a lot more using less dialogue and the artwork told more of the story as well.
This did feel like quite a busy Astounishing, for a Joss comic. As for GA, there seems to be some equation between
public service announcement and pedantic/didactic. Not that it even has to be a PSA.
Oy. I just realised that the bit that made me laugh so loudly from Astounishing was the same payoff from
Ah, well. Good comedy endures.