I should not be allowed to go to a comic book store by myself.
Seems I can go into almost any other store and talk myself out of buying anything...until I get in there.
Within 10 mins I had too many books and had to go the counter and figure out what I needed and what could wait. Need, because I no longer just
The owner did help me figure out what I could wait on. We chatted for a bit, he tried to push Birds of Prey on me...and god, I'm going to have to start reading that. I resisted and then when I was about to go he
me a comic book. The first issue of Rose & Thorn. And now I'm going to need more.
I did find Outsiders #10 so I have the complete run. I love the Outsiders, I love Grace.
Need, because I no longer just want them.
Oh, I know this feeling well.
Went to the bookstore tonight to buy regular books, walked out with regular books plus two Batman trades, a Green Arrow by Winick, and a Daredevil by Kevin Smith.
Daredevil by Kevin Smith.
Ooh, yay! That was my first Daredevil. It's great.
You have a magical bosom with both the power to nurture and to destroy.
Me too.
Since Magneto ran the school for a while, this doesn't even ping the radar of Huh?
Yes but for some very visceral reason I can't explain, I doubt Emma's goodness much more than I would ever doubt Magneto. I guess because I think of Magneto as broken-and-thus-evil, and Emma as just-a-big-bitch. Kitty love blinding me again.
I am SO proud of myself.
I walked in and picked up Y - the Last Man TPB #2 and 3 back issues of Promethea, but I left with Essential X-Men #5. Why am I proud, since I spent exactly the same amt. of money? Because I got SO many more comics for it.
15 issues vs. 26 or something.
Plus, this store doesn't have a huge group of Promethea followers so I think I'll be ok to pick those up later.
I also ogled lots of other TPBs including SiP #1 but bought none of them. Good me! I deserve a treat. Perhaps a cookie.
And I'm so excited to be reading X-Men as new as 1985! 1986! Woo!
Hey, my beloved fellow geeks! I have an actual question, and not just fangirl burbles.
I've been reading a LOT of Starman over the last week (must see if Dana can be convinced to read this, for there is an argument about Sondheim that she'd love). Anyhow, I was struck by the similarity between what happens with Jack and Mist and what happened with Ollie and Shado in Green Arrow. (Use of whitefont probably not needed for two old storyline, but...) Are there other examples you guys know of
where the hero of the piece, while not conscious or aware of his surroundings, is raped/taken advantage of by a previously moderately sympathetic villainess who bears his child as a result?
I'm curious if this is common enough to be a standard trope.
Plei, are you thinking
Hey, *she* brought up the situation -- I just applied it to a recent example!
Ooh, yay! That was my first Daredevil. It's great.
I liked Guardian Devil well enough, but it's not moving me to become a regular reader. There's something about Matt Murdock's pathos that doesn't quite grab me. Or maybe it's his ethos?
I am, however, happily reading Green Arrow and crushing on Oliver Queen.
I liked Guardian Devil well enough, but it's not moving me to become a regular reader. There's something about Matt Murdock's pathos that doesn't quite grab me. Or maybe it's his ethos?
Bendis and Mack write him much darker.