Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Got Ult. Spidey #59 and #60 as well as Ult. X-Men #44 and #46. They didn't have Ult. Spidey #58 and Ult. X-Men #45 so the owner said she'd try to get them from another store for me. In UXM, I can't believe they killed off Beast. I'm sad now.
I picked up Secret War #2, remembering people talking about it here, but they didn't have #1 so I put it back down. What is that series about, anyway?
I picked up Secret War #2, remembering people talking about it here, but they didn't have #1 so I put it back down. What is that series about, anyway?
The basic conceit is that all the high-tech supervillains (that is, the ones whose powers aren't mutant or alien or whatever, but based in having fancyass gadgets) are being funded by a foreign government. It's all very terrorist. So Nick Fury organizes a nice little team to take them down, which is what takes place in #2. #2 is actually mostly flashback, since the story proper, as set up in #1, is a year after whatever happened, and there are repercussions.
I am oddly excited by
Onyx out of the ashram.
I loved the cover on Detective this week.
I keep feeling like the story is an excuse for the snark rather than vice-versa. I'm always happy to be convinced otherwise, of course.
Winick, and I'm stating the obvious, given his history, knows the Arrows and Lanterns better than he knows the Bats. His take on Roy is excellent (I don't think there's a writer out there who does a better Roy), and I wish Jade would get a little more play, because he writes her well, or did when doing Green Lantern.
In most of what he's read that I've written written that I've read, sorry for the weird reversal, but I was talking and typing at the same time, it's snark heavy, then he sucker-punches you.
The art could stand to be a lot more consistent on that title. I have no idea what Grace's hairstyle really is, nor how huge she's supposed to be.
Speaking of art, it's fondly familiar to have Alan Davis back in the X-world.
I have no idea what Grace's hairstyle really is, nor how huge she's supposed to be.
Variable. 7'.
The cover was excellent. I had to double-check that it was a Bat-title.
I thought that it was a little obvious that
of course the person who would help the black guy is the black chick, in one of those weird we're trying to be PC but it's not working moves,
but then when I thought about it
if Oracle is trying to seem like a homeboy he probably couldn't have, say, Huntress watching his back.
See, I have no particular investment in the Green Arrow or Lantern mythoi of now, which might be part of the issue here. (I do kind of feel, as per Allyson I believe it was, that being defeatable by yellow is kind of lame). Much as I love John Stewart on the JLA 'toon. And another Buffista's LJ defense of him as the civil servant of superherodom! But that's as far as I've gone.
Variable. 7'.
A little too variable, and she's not drawn consistently at 7'. Such is my beef.
I do kind of feel, as per Allyson I believe it was, that being defeatable by yellow is kind of lame
Green Lantern of now is not defeatable by yellow.
t /pedant
See, I have no particular investment in the Green Arrow or Lantern mythoi of now, which might be part of the issue here.
Oh, yeah. I know that reading crossover storylines where I don't have any investment with half the cast leaves me less moved than perhaps I should be. And that if I develop an investment, and go back and re-read, I enjoy things a lot more than I did when I didn't. (See: anything with Wally West.)
I have major Arrow and Lantern investment, which, like most things, started as part of the whole BoP gateway drug. Well, Arrow did. Lantern just sort of happened. I think maybe there were a lot of seeds one night and I was bored or something.
I'm trying hard to avoid picking up any more titles or characters.
I'm failing, but I'm trying.
Picked up two Green Arrow trades today. Both Kevin Smith. Read the intro to Quiver. Laughed uproariously. Realized I was doomed.
Tampa Bay lost Game 5 and I'm going to need retail therapy so I don't go for chocolate therapy.
So I see myself checking out Green Arrow trades....because obviously I don't have enough comics to read.