Ple, I now possess Dark Victory for compare and contrast purposes.
I think his characterization was better in Dark Victory than in Long Halloween, which is probably why I prefer it. Slow a bit the first part, in terms of plotting (I think the Haunted Knight stuff Loeb did is probably his best-balanced, because the shorter form forces him to NOT meander so self-indulgently).
Half-Price Books still had JLA: World Without Grown-Ups -- for $2.50. I love Half-Price Books.
The only comics store within walking distance of my office (and a nice walk it was today too) offers a significant discount when you buy 7 or more TPBs, so I decided today would be a good day to patch some holes in the collection.
Powers 1, 3, 4 (read them all, but in borrowed copies)
Alias 1
Birds of Prey, Of Like Minds
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood
So, to sum up -- Batchicks and Bendis.
Plus, the new Detective Comics and the new Birthright. I've only read the latter so far, and
my Lois-love is confirmed.
I just adore the "I trust you." "Really? Wow" conversation between her and Supes. OMG! they are so MFEO!!1!
t /juvenility
I just bought a lot of GCPD comics from ebay. Of course I've managed to successfully stay away from ebay for awhile but I don't think I'll be able to do that now, and I keep finding (non comic) things that would be cool to have but I really don't need to spend the money.
Heh. I was at the comic store the other day with Nightwing #71-82 in one hand, and #87-93 in the other (they didn't quite have the entire run) and managed to put it back without buying. They were mostly going for $3 a pop.
Hec, you have an iron will to resist that sweet, sweet crack.
Hec, you have an iron will to resist that sweet, sweet crack.
Welllll, I already had two TPBs in my hand because they were having a sale on those.
Hec, you have an iron will to resist that sweet, sweet crack.
Welllll, I already had two TPBs in my hand because they were having a sale on those.
Dude! TPBs are the gateway drug!
Dude! TPBs are the gateway drug!
Dude yourself. You're talking to somebody who between 1971-75 bought literally every single Marvel and DC comic there was, plus a smattering of Harvey and Archie.
More like a relapse.
counts fingers
My third.
Dude! TPBs are the gateway drug!
Dude yourself.
No, *you* dude yourself!
I have no idea what that means.