ita, like I said above, I think but am not sure it's The Batman/Superman Movie.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Oh! That's in canon for the series? Is anything else?
This is a somewhat enjoyable story that serves as Two Face: Year One, but other than that, isn't exactly all that and the corresponding bag of chips.
I don't remember saying it was. I thought it was a successful and interesting transition from the realistic tone of Batman Year One to the broader psychological expressionism which characterizes the Batverse today. Not necessarily the individual stories or characters but how I perceive the milieu.
All of the previous Batman and Superman cartoons by the same team in the 90s are canon for the Justice League cartoon. So, when Supergirl shows up, she's the same Supergirl from, say, "Girl's Night Out" (referenced on The O.C., by the way, and the fact that I correctly identified the episode just from Seth's lines about it should get me at least five fangirl points and a brownie).
Emmett's review of tonight's episode: "Justice League is kicking ass!"
Prompted by Wonder Woman's jailbreak.
For future reference, who's the team? I'm assuming that Teen Titans and Batman Beyond aren't in the loop -- those are the only ones I've seen, bar a Harley Quinn ep of Batman. It seemed very different.
For future reference, who's the team?
Paul Dini is the main guy, I think. Batman Beyond is in continuity with the Batman Animated series. They refer to it a lot and have all kinds of fab continuity details. I think Teen Titans would be out of that continuity though.
(xpost, of course)
For future reference, who's the team?
Paul Dini and Bruce Timm, I think are the guys.
I'm assuming that Teen Titans and Batman Beyond aren't in the loop
On Teen Titans, nobody even has a secret identity-- Robin's just Robin, and lord knows if the boy even has *eyes*. But I *think* Batman Beyond is in the same 'verse as the rest of the Batman and Superman 'toons. Someone on LJ was talking about how Bats and Robin have guested on a couple of episodes of Static Shock. In one of them Static was bouncing around in time, and at one point ended up in the Batman Beyond Batcave, with Terry and cranky old Bruce. Which would mean that (spoiler for Batman Beyond) *horrible things* are going to happen to Tim .
Well, remember that this episode is the last episode with this team. Starting next season, they are planning to have a rotating cast of characters...
this episode is the last episode with this team
But you're talking characters, right? I was assuming Michele meant creative team.
Now I have to see if I can work out why I thought Batman Beyond wasn't in continuity. Hmm.