Well, the Ultimate books are actually a different universe, so there won't be much in common other than the powers.
Oh. See what I mean? So confusing.
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Well, the Ultimate books are actually a different universe, so there won't be much in common other than the powers.
Oh. See what I mean? So confusing.
So confusing.
Less so, potentially. Because the history is only 40 issues, not 400. Though it's probably a better read if you know some stuff about the "real" X-Men, it's not required.
Powers Mark II? I'm only on collection #4, Hayden, so 'splain.
Powers Mark II? I'm only on collection #4, Hayden, so 'splain.
Apparently, upon conclusion of the current arc, Bendis & what's-his-name the artist are going to take a break before starting a new volume from a different place. I've only read collection #1, so I don't know enough to comment further.
Umm, the current arc has been over for almost 4 months. New arc is starting up under Marvel's new Icon imprint in two months or so.
NovaChild, I only started reading Marvel comics last year, and recommend that you stay the hell away from Uncanny X-Men or anything else written by Chuck Austen, who strikes me as a no-talent assclown. I bought one of his books and sold it on eBay as soon as possible thereafter.
Unlike ita, I really liked Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men (conveniently collected in tpbs at this point, starting with E for Extinction) and have dug the hell out of the Ultimate X-Men (which I accept as having nothing to do with any other X-Men titles) and X-Statix (which is it's own clever can of worms and might as well be separate). I haven't read any other regular Marvel titles, though, and I'm not immersed in the backstory enough to care if a writer contradicts canon from 30 years ago.
Umm, the current arc has been over for almost 4 months. New arc is starting up under Marvel's new Icon imprint in two months or so.
D'oh! See post #3206 for my up-to-date knowledge of Powers.
Chuck Austen is a wildly uneven writer. His X-men has been bad, but that might be because of the ever heavy hand of the X-office editorial.
If you ever have a chance, find Superman: Metropolis, Chuck Austen's series focused on Jimmy Olson. Issue 7 has one of the most interesting character discussions ever between Jimmy and Supes, as Jimmy analyzes Supes love-life.
Well, I might look it up ('cause you've steered me oh-so-right before, CaBil), but, to tell the truth, I don't find Superman that interesting. Throw in Chuck Austen and I'm a bit scared.