Chuck Austen is a wildly uneven writer. His X-men has been bad, but that might be because of the ever heavy hand of the X-office editorial.
If you ever have a chance, find Superman: Metropolis, Chuck Austen's series focused on Jimmy Olson. Issue 7 has one of the most interesting character discussions ever between Jimmy and Supes, as Jimmy analyzes Supes love-life.
Well, I might look it up ('cause you've steered me oh-so-right before, CaBil), but, to tell the truth, I don't find Superman that interesting. Throw in Chuck Austen and I'm a bit scared.
is that Bendis is trying to pick up the next Great Leap Forward in comics that Alan Moore started in the 1980s, but has a tendency to get sidetracked into subpar storylines
He has a penchant for anticlimax.
Bendis & what's-his-name
I'm only on collection #4, Hayden, so 'splain.
Ooh, Supergroup? FG-3? That one's pretty cool. Anarchy is fun, too.
Just try that one issue then hayden. You can enjoy it without knowing anything else in that miniseries, and it reopens one perceptions about certain aspects to the Supes character.
Just try that one issue then hayden.
Sounds good. I think I end up saying this every month or so, but here goes: thanks for the tip, CaBil!
7 is the top of the scale.
Who else in the Marvelverse is a 7 ranked fighting skills besides Wolverine? Daredevil? Capt. America? Elektra?
t /ultrageeky
but has a tendency to get sidetracked into subpar storylines.
Dude, Bendis is great! I love the storylines in Powers. Looking forward the the new #1. (Deena is back, y'all!) I've been reading Alias lately and am really liking that as well. The art isn't that great IMO, though. I love Oeming's stuff. That what is so awesome about Powers - the art and the writing are terrific.
Who else in the Marvelverse is a 7 ranked fighting skills besides Wolverine? Daredevil? Capt. America? Elektra?
I do not know. But now I need to find out.
I have read about zero Captain America, but he's hysterical in Secret War. Moreso because of filtering it through Nick Fury's POV. I she always so crabby?
I just peeked around, and I'm not sure the other Marvel people have numbers yet, or that if they did they'd be comparable -- the X-issue is the first of a new set of Official Handbooks.
Oh, and here:
Kitty's speed is the speed of a normal human -- that's not under debate.
That's meant to be a question -- also, for calibration, 2 is normal human.