Dammit. I hate when comics outshine my actual life.
He he he...but then again, don't they usually? When was the last time you saved the world?
Polter-Cow - won't your comic shop order NLM 1, 3 & 4 for you?
Oh, they have all five new. But I only buy 'em used, cause it's far cheaper. I just read stuff in the store.
A friend gave me a copy of this month's Wizard, which has an article about Joss's X-Men & also includes a list of his top 5 X-Men stories.
They are:
Phoenix (that's kinda a big story, there)
the Brood Saga
Rogue & Wolvie in Japan (w/Mohawk!Storm)
the Claremont/Miller Wolvie miniseries (I just bought the TPB yesterday)
And New X-Men: E is for Extinction (planning on reading that in the store tomorrow)
...I'm so fangirl about this. Did you know, CHRIS CLAREMONT wanted Joss for this series? CHRIS F'IN' CLAREMONT!
Ok. Sorry. Calming down now.
Question (revealing my true ignorance):
When a comic is "on sale" on a date, does that mean it's in the store? I want to get Joss's X-Men from my local store but I don't want to show up Wed. and be told "No, we don't have it yet." I've had this happen w/video games and that's why I ask.
Virtually all comic book stores I've been to will actually put the new comics out on the shelves on Wednesday.
The biggest problem I've had are books that are sold out by the time I get to the store on Wednesday evening or Thursday, not that they aren't for sale yet.
The biggest problem I've had are books that are sold out by the time I get to the store on Wednesday evening or Thursday, not that they aren't for sale yet.
I've had this problem too. I intend to be there when the store opens Wed. am @ 10... the luxury of having class at 1:30 p. But as the year goes on, I'll probably have to start preordering and having them shipped directly to me :-(
But as the year goes on, I'll probably have to start preordering and having them shipped directly to me
Any comic book shop worth their salt will have hold lists for their regular customers. Alternately, if you're not regular enough, they should let you pre-pay for it. Like, give them your money today and they'll save you a copy on Wednesday.
Any comic book shop worth their salt will have hold lists for their regular customers.
Yeah, the reason I said what I said is because I'm moving.
the reason I said what I said is because I'm moving.
You mean that you're moving that day and worried about making it in? Or that you're wondering about possible policies at a shop in your new 'hood? If it's the former, I'd definitely call ahead to try to reserve a copy.
The latter - so, I want to be buying on an issue-by-issue basis. I'm not movingmoving until July 12 at the earliest.
Also, Jilli, when you get back from PDX? I seem to have become a regular at the comic book store near your house. As in, shoot the shit about comics with the guy behind the counter.
Soooo, this means I theoretically could get a ride home from you on New Comic Days? Keen!
Oh, and indie and DC backstock is half-off at the moment. Don't know for how long. Though it is fair to say that the DC section is pretty picked over. Isayinnocently. I'll loan you the good stuff.
You realize that I've never actually set foot in that store? I'm not the one in the household that goes forth and buys the comics, and Pete usually goes to Comics Dungeon.
On topic-ish: I liked Tim Drake, Boy Stalker A Lonely Place of Dying better than A Death in the Family, but I still found the writing a smidge on the clunky side. I'm looking forward to reading some of the more recent stuff, which (I've been told) is not as clunky.