Isn't the Giant the one where he gets married?
Nope, or at least, not this giant one. Doesn't the marriage thing pre-date him having his own title?
Who's this Clancy girl? She shows up in these issues, and she was mentioned in the recent ones. What's her significance?
Originally, she's the manager type at 1013 Parkthorne, but then she goes off to med school. As she is female, there was some flirtation between 'em.
She's the landlady from his apartment.
Yep. Also, a hottie -- she and Dick almost had something going, until he and Babs got together.
Wow. It's a three-way Clancy crosspost!
That makes me so happy.
She's the landlady from his apartment.
Okay, just a recurring character. Thanks.
Yep. Also, a hottie
Aren't all comic book women, by definition, hotties? They're drawn by men, after all.
Aren't all comic book women, by definition, hotties? They're drawn by men, after all.
There are women artists! I'm sure Pete could list 'em!
Among the other things I re-read this weekend was the Half a Life storyline in Gotham Central. Damn, that's heartbreaking.
As she is female, there was some flirtation between 'em.
Heh. I picked up on the Dick Grayson, Man-Ho, vibe from practically the first panel I read. Which is why, in #93, the
wrong broken (HOTT) rooftop sex didn't really ping me as wrong at first.
But just at first.
Aren't all comic book women, by definition, hotties? They're drawn by men, after all.
Not when they are drawn by the guy who did #92.
Not when they are drawn by the guy who did #92.
Who was not hot in there?
I think everyone looks misshapen with weird potato heads.