Spandex is back in. Whedon ... even includes a joke in his first issue about all the leather scaring the public. So Wolverine will be back in his yellow spandex outfit
Wasn't the line in X1 about "would you prefer yellow spandex" one of the Jossian lines?
Buffy/Batman crossover
He's so totally her type.
But is she his?
I'm reminded of a terrible Buffy/DCverse crossover, where basically it was about hanging out with Nightwing and others, lots of sex and shopping.
I'm up to Nightwing #86, I believe. Need to know what happens.
I've started in on "Invisibles" for maybe the 100th time.
where basically it was about hanging out with Nightwing and others, lots of sex and shopping
Ah, BtVS S5. Exchanging Nightwing for Riley.
But did Joss write that crossover?
Got through Nightwing #93. Meep.