I'm up to Nightwing #86, I believe. Need to know what happens.
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Keep reading!!!
I've started in on "Invisibles" for maybe the 100th time.
where basically it was about hanging out with Nightwing and others, lots of sex and shopping
Ah, BtVS S5. Exchanging Nightwing for Riley.
But did Joss write that crossover?
Got through Nightwing #93. Meep.
Told you.
Got through Nightwing #93. Meep.
Roughly an hour ago I was going to bed. But then I had to keep reading the Nightwing books.
And now I'm finished.
I need to go back and re read. I have to own these.
(cackles like a crack pushing loon.)
I've had Robin nestled in my ample boobage for most of the night. Tim, not Dick, but still.
My heart is warmed by the sheer amount of meep here.
Got Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn #1 today. It's, err... interestingly textual.
Friday night I started downloading back issues of Nightwing and Birds of Prey, and yesterday I spent *cough* on graphic novels, compilations, Nightwing #92-93, and an old Devin Grayson miniseries.
I blame Plei.