Got through Nightwing #93. Meep.
'Just Rewards (2)'
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
Got through Nightwing #93. Meep.
Roughly an hour ago I was going to bed. But then I had to keep reading the Nightwing books.
And now I'm finished.
I need to go back and re read. I have to own these.
(cackles like a crack pushing loon.)
I've had Robin nestled in my ample boobage for most of the night. Tim, not Dick, but still.
My heart is warmed by the sheer amount of meep here.
Got Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn #1 today. It's, err... interestingly textual.
Friday night I started downloading back issues of Nightwing and Birds of Prey, and yesterday I spent *cough* on graphic novels, compilations, Nightwing #92-93, and an old Devin Grayson miniseries.
I blame Plei.
It's, err... interestingly textual.
Dude, there is no sub to the Harley/Ivy text in that issue.
I spent *cough* on graphic novels, compilations, Nightwing #92-93, and an old Devin Grayson miniseries.
Wheee! One of us!
I went to the comic book store and checked out my titles. Fables and Pulse are currently pretty awesome.
Then I looked at Nightwing. Fine, I said, I'll try it out. I started with #90, which wasn't a bad issue to start with, since it convinced me that Nightwing is a total fucking badass. I read the next three issues, spending a lot of time wondering who the hell all these characters were but still being able to follow the basic story.
And now I know what the big deal about #93 is. Yeesh. Except I felt almost cheated because I knew it would have had much more impact if I had been reading for longer than, say, ten minutes ago. I figured Nightwing had adopted Batman's no-killing stance, but I hadn't actually seen him wrestle with it so much, and so it came across to me as over-angsty. Just a bit. Still an effective scene.
And I also had no clue who the fuck Tarantula was, so I wasn't sure what to make of the rooftop sex.
Then I looked in the back issues and found some. I read #84 and was surprised that it was relevant to the issues I'd just read. Then I went back further and read #71-74, and was again surprised by how relevant they were to the recent ones I'd read (and oh God, the Flash's to-do list ("1. Save the world. 2. Kill supervillain. 3. Go to best friend's place and pretend to hurtl. 4. Save the world again.") is one of the funniest panels I've ever seen). I wished I'd read them first, because the revelations were no longer revelatory. Then #82-83, and I'd exhausted the back issues.
I was so impressed with the gigantic multi-issue arc of which I'd just read the culmination. (Speaking there any way I can get my hands on this magic disc that Teppy has?) I liked that each issue was very plot-driven. And Nightwing himself was a great character. Very quippy, and with compelling thought bubbles. One question: How did he get off the Eiffel tower? Oh, and during my read I was wondering whether the love between Nightwing and the Oracle was platonic or romantic, and I had my question answered in a later issue. Poor Oracle, when she hears about the rooftop sex. Except wait, now I read somewhere they broke up? So maybe not.
So, alas, I'm hooked. I bought the Big Guns trade, which I hope I like. It's possible I only enjoy Devin Grayson Nightwing (How cool is it that she's D. Grayson? It's like it was meant to be.). Chuck Dixon better not disappoint.
I also picked up Alan Moore's Judgment Day, which looked really interesting and cool and hard to comprehend.
(I read the inset of Big Guns, which gives a rundown of the major players. Blockbuster has an ape heart? Are you kidding me?)
Am watching Justice League on Cartoon Network -- the Green Lantern is on trial -- and I'm wondering: what's the dealio with there being more than one Green Lantern? And why, then, are the other Green Lanterns big freaky-looking dudes?
Also? Michael Rosenbaum as the voice of The Flash? PERFECT.
what's the dealio with there being more than one Green Lantern? And why, then, are the other Green Lanterns big freaky-looking dudes?
Green Lanterns are basically interstellar police officers. There used to be 3600 of them, but most were wiped out by Hal Jordan when he went buggy.
But basically, each one has a different space sector, so the freaky looking dudes are aliens.
Got it. Danke.
(Who's Hal Jordan?)
Who's Hal Jordan?
The Silver Age Green Lantern--D.C. had a different one, back in the 40s, but his story was unrelated--and pretty much the definitive character. He went nuts when his city was destroyed, and tried to use his power to bring them all back to life. When he was prevented from doing this by the Guardians (Big Honchos of the Green Lantern) He killed them all and stole all of their and the other Green Lanterns' powers, and became a super-villain Hell bent on restructuring time. Got pretty nasty, but eventually he died reigniting the sun.
In the meantime, the last ring was given to a kid named Kyle Rainer, who eventually was able to begin to recreate the Corps. John Stewart had been a member earlier, and currently is again. Hal Jordan is still dead, but is now the current incarnation of the Spectre as punishment for his sins.