but Cyclops seems an undeniable superhero to me.
I totally agree. And, really, I think that one of the places that Joss seems to be going with "Astonishing X-Men" is that "super-hero" may well be a role that Scott's more comfortable with than, say, "Mutant freedom fighter/teacher/activist," or whatever it is they've been doing for the past few years.
Funny how, for Cyclops, the more idealized role comes easier than the more realistic one.
He can breathe underwater (which, OK, so can Supes)
I think Supes just holds his breath.
Funny how, for Cyclops, the more idealized role comes easier than the more realistic one.
That's because he's an ass.
Still -- Storm, Jean, Beast, Colossus -- heroes all, no?
This is would be Hellboy, too. Right?
I always felt comic Hellboy was a hero. But my heroimeter is a bit broken.
I'm now thinking that ita meant "Atlantean compatriots".
If I recall correctly, Aquaman, being half-human, can stay out of the water longer than his fellow Atlanteans. I don't remember if other Atlanteans can talk to fish like he does.
Not quite up there with the Submariner, but so close.
Not as big an asshat, certainly. Namor's a prick; Aquaman's only a tool.
I'm now thinking that ita meant "Atlantean compatriots".
Doesn't compatriot mean fellow-people-from-where-you're-from?
Main Entry: com·pa·tri·ot
Pronunciation: k&m-'pA-trE-&t, käm-, -trE-"ät, chiefly British -'pa-
Function: noun
Etymology: French compatriote, from Late Latin compatriota, from Latin com- + Late Latin patriota fellow countryman -- more at PATRIOT
1 : a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another
I was going by the second definition. In which case the League counts as "compatriots". And since we were talking about "superheroes", the context led me to that.
I now see that you meant the first definition.
That's because he's an ass.
Heh. And there's a commentary on super-herodom, right there.
Still -- Storm, Jean, Beast, Colossus -- heroes all, no?
I always felt comic Hellboy was a hero. But my heroimeter is a bit broken.
Hellboy? Maybe, maybe not. He's kind of more of a good-natured paranormal cop. He's a good guy, and heroic, certainly, but at the end of the day, it's mostly just a job.
Not as big an asshat, certainly. Namor's a prick; Aquaman's only a tool.
Hee! Can't really argue that.
Still loved how Aquaman beat Namor in the Marvel vs. DC cross-over.
Huh. Did not know about that second meaning.
I mean, I did know that Aquaman could do things the other Leaguers couldn't, what with the Aqua- and all. But I do wonder about aliens, et al. Do other Tamaranians just not care about heroics? Or Earth? That sort of thing.