Actually, now that Steph mentions it... I do have some TPBs of my own I'd be willing to lend out. Already pre-purchased and stuff.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
I'm in, Tom. I've just been calculating how quickly JZ burns through the Sandman books thinking, hmmmm, for the cost the entertanment ought to last longer.
Also, now that everybody's going Bat-Fam crazy it'd be nice to have some of the TPBs readily available for reading. If you really wind up loving it, you can then buy a copy yourself. I don't mind having The Sandman or Invisibles around, but there are other things I'd just as soon read once.
Also, I've got some extra copies of early Love and Rockets collections (from when I worked at Fantagraphics) that I could contribute to the library. Probably some more stuff too that I wouldn't mind in circulation.
I'd kick in some circulation cash. I have also the first half-dozen Sandman and LXG and probably a couple others I could kick into the stash. The rest of my stuff is in storage but I might be able to get to it in the near future. I have some of the American Flagg TPB stuff that Hec was talking about and maybe a Dark Knight Returns reprint set I could pitch into the mix.
from when I worked at Fantagraphics
Speaking of, what does Jaime Hernandez look like? 'Cause there was an age-appropriate guy in front of me at SXSW wearing a badge that said "Jaime Hernandez" on it.
I might be able to chuck in some TPBs.
Bat Fam, I have...I'd have to check, but off the top of my head...Cataclysm, No Man's Land Vol. 1 (but not Vol. 2, dammit), A Lonely Place Of Dying, the one where Jason Todd buys it, I can't remember the name right now, Batman: Year One, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns...probably a few more.
Other subjects: Superman: The Death of Superman, Superman: World Without a Superman; Superman: Reign of the Supermen, Superman: Return of Superman. Hellboy: Seeds of Destruction. Kingdom Come. Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes, Sandman: The Doll's House, Sandman: Brief Lives. Grendel: War Child. Grendel: Four Devils, One Hell.
Crap, there's more I'm forgetting.
I could chuck in the original issues of the DKR sequel, though I think one is best off avoiding it, and some cash.
Speaking of, what does Jaime Hernandez look like? 'Cause there was an age-appropriate guy in front of me at SXSW wearing a badge that said "Jaime Hernandez" on it.
Short, stocky, wavy hair, glasses, hispanic. Jaime's on top, 'Beto's below.
Jaime far right, next to Will Eisner.
(Eisner once opined in print that Jaime had the most natural talent of any draftsman he'd seen. And obviously Eisner had seen them all, including Toth and Caniff and Crumb.)
Attention, fans of Cartoon Network's Teen Titans:
They're starting with the first ep. today at 6:30 EST (don't know what it is in other zones), and then running #2 at 10 p.m., and so on.
Actually, it's:
Mon -- 6:30 ep. 1; 10:00 ep. 2
Tues -- 6:30 ep. 3; 10:00 ep. 4
Wed -- 6:30 ep. 5; 10:00 ep. 6
Thurs -- 6:30 ep. 7; 10:00 ep. 8
Fri -- 6:30 ep. 9; NO 10:00 episode.
So if you're a geek like me, and want to be a completist, set your VCRs.
Thanks, David. This guy looked more like Beto but he was skinnier than either.
MM: A Death in the Family, innit?
I think you're okay to talk freely about the splatification of Jason Todd. I mean, we do everywhere else.