Thanks, David. This guy looked more like Beto but he was skinnier than either.
Other Media
Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
MM: A Death in the Family, innit?
I think you're okay to talk freely about the splatification of Jason Todd. I mean, we do everywhere else.
I just got the first new Teen Titans TPB. And I already have a few Sandmans, and Ghost World.
I have lots of stuff, but I'd probably just donate cash.
I have lots of stuff, but I'd probably just donate cash.
"It's my preciousssss!"
Which I totally understand. There are things I won't be contributing to the library and things that I will. For instance, to perpetuate the spirit in which it was given, I will donate the entire run of Preacher TPB to the pile, because Knut gave it to me free.
Of course, I still need to read it first, so don't rush me.
I'll contribute money too to buy The Invisibles, but I'm keeping mine close to home.
Which I totally understand. There are things I won't be contributing to the library and things that I will.
Word. I'm in post-crack monkey stage for comics/graphic novels (and these days, live in a one-bedroom condo, so staying in that phase is fairly urgent), but I certainly sympathize with the desire to hang onto the good stuff, whatever that may be. I just think the idea of circulating good reading around is brilliant. At today's prices, there's no way I could get into all the good stuff that gets talked about here. But I wouldn't mind a gander at some of it.
There are things I won't be contributing to the library and things that I will.
Well, I'm certainly willing to lend my Spideys, with an emphasis on LEND. I can't read them all simultaneously.
Have people had a chance to read the last issue of 1602 yet? I'm kind of curious about the various and sundry reactions.
Also, Teppy, thanks for the heads-up on TT!
MM: A Death in the Family
D'oh! That's it!
"It's my preciousssss!"
Wait, we get our stuff back, right? I must go back and re-read the idea, I may have skipped something crucial.
I may just donate the bucks.
Have people had a chance to read the last issue of 1602 yet?
Anne, I was kind of disappointed. It just seemed rushed. Also, sure, they saved the world, but it didn't seem to resolve anything are far as their continuum was concerned. Also, we never relly found out what Virginia's deal was. "And oh, BTW, she gets killed..."