Attention, fans of Cartoon Network's Teen Titans:
They're starting with the first ep. today at 6:30 EST (don't know what it is in other zones), and then running #2 at 10 p.m., and so on.
Actually, it's:
Mon -- 6:30 ep. 1; 10:00 ep. 2
Tues -- 6:30 ep. 3; 10:00 ep. 4
Wed -- 6:30 ep. 5; 10:00 ep. 6
Thurs -- 6:30 ep. 7; 10:00 ep. 8
Fri -- 6:30 ep. 9; NO 10:00 episode.
So if you're a geek like me, and want to be a completist, set your VCRs.
Thanks, David. This guy looked more like Beto but he was skinnier than either.
MM: A Death in the Family, innit?
I think you're okay to talk freely about the splatification of Jason Todd. I mean, we do everywhere else.
I just got the first new Teen Titans TPB. And I already have a few Sandmans, and Ghost World.
I have lots of stuff, but I'd probably just donate cash.
I have lots of stuff, but I'd probably just donate cash.
"It's my preciousssss!"
Which I totally understand. There are things I
be contributing to the library and things that I will. For instance, to perpetuate the spirit in which it was given, I will donate the entire run of Preacher TPB to the pile, because Knut gave it to me free.
Of course, I still need to read it first, so don't rush me.
I'll contribute money too to buy The Invisibles, but I'm keeping mine close to home.
Which I totally understand. There are things I won't be contributing to the library and things that I will.
Word. I'm in post-crack monkey stage for comics/graphic novels (and these days, live in a one-bedroom condo, so staying in that phase is fairly urgent), but I certainly sympathize with the desire to hang onto the good stuff, whatever that may be. I just think the idea of circulating good reading around is brilliant. At today's prices, there's no way I could get into all the good stuff that gets talked about here. But I wouldn't mind a gander at some of it.
There are things I won't be contributing to the library and things that I will.
Well, I'm certainly willing to lend my Spideys, with an emphasis on LEND. I can't read them all simultaneously.
Have people had a chance to read the last issue of 1602 yet? I'm kind of curious about the various and sundry reactions.
Also, Teppy, thanks for the heads-up on TT!
MM: A Death in the Family
D'oh! That's it!
"It's my preciousssss!"
Wait, we get our stuff back, right? I must go back and re-read the idea, I may have skipped something crucial.
I may just donate the bucks.