I'll have to pick that up, tina. I've had a project on the back burner delineating the timeline of the Buffyverse for a while now. How much did that SFX special cost? I don't see what the worth of including the comics and the novels in such a timeline, since there are clear violations of canon throughout them. Heck, there are enough problems within each show's continuity to cause problems as it is.
There are very few specific date markers sprinkled throughout the programs. The Halloween episodes are good markers. We have the time and date stamp on "Converstions With Dead People". In "Dead End", the date for the meeting at Wolfram & Hart to announce who gets the promotion can be found when Lindsey breaks into Nathan Reed's computer. And don't forget "Amends" and Christmas. Other than those examples off the top of my head, there's not much to go on.
For some reason, all of this interests me. It's like a puzzle that needs solving. Considering the show's lack of a bible and the writers' notorious failings in math, this may be an exercise in futility, but I enjoy it.
How much did that SFX special cost?
$9.95 at Borders (never would have spent that if I hadn't had a gift cert.) In the mag. rack next to the sci-fi cult fan stuff.
I don't see what the worth of including the comics and the novels in such a timeline, since there are clear violations of canon throughout them.
What's nice is that everything is labelled as far as where it came from, so if one wanted to, one could take a medium point Sharpie and cross out all the entries that pertain to book and non-Joss/ME writer written comics. When one does that, one should be sure to let said marks dry as one does not want smudges all over their shiny new magazine thing.
A lot of the info for the timeline comes from the
Tales of the Slayers
series. Which I think of as "show" canon since it is written by the ME writing staff for the most part.
For some reason, all of this interests me. It's like a puzzle that needs solving.
Same here. You should get it. It's got a pretty well-written ranked episode guide to boot. But the interviews, especially the one w/Joss, are all BTDT. Not a lot to learn from them.
Oh and since it's a British pub there is endless fun in going "hey! that's not how you spell 'realize'!"
tina, did you buy this recently? we thought we had missed it. (we= amyth +me)
smonster - I bought it Monday of this week and there were a bunch. If you can't find it - lemme know and I can pick one up for you if they still have it.
Hey, smonster, please pass my hi to Amyth!
How weird is it that both the most recent Buffy comic and this week's Angel have scenes where
other folks run across Angel nekkid and saluting? Particularly odd for a comic book, which I can't recall ever being quite that blasé about such a topic before.
Not, mind you, that I'm complaining if this is a sign of a developing trend...
Matt, I figure that since the regular monthly
series is coming to an end, editor Scott Allie is allowing writer Fabian Nicieza have been given freer reign than has been typical of the comic. I thought this last issue had some stonger horror visuals than usual.
It kind of bothers me that the source material (the TV series) was more mature than the comics. I guess the folks at Fox think that comics are for kids only.
Anyone know when the new 1602 comes out? Is it today or next week?
According to The New Comic Book Releases site, 1602 will be out on the 12th.