How weird is it that both the most recent Buffy comic and this week's Angel have scenes where other folks run across Angel nekkid and saluting? Particularly odd for a comic book, which I can't recall ever being quite that blasé about such a topic before. Not, mind you, that I'm complaining if this is a sign of a developing trend...
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Discussion of Buffy and Angel comics, books, and more. Please don't get into spoilery details in the first week of release.
thanks, tina!
hayden, will do.
Matt, I figure that since the regular monthly Buffy series is coming to an end, editor Scott Allie is allowing writer Fabian Nicieza have been given freer reign than has been typical of the comic. I thought this last issue had some stonger horror visuals than usual.
It kind of bothers me that the source material (the TV series) was more mature than the comics. I guess the folks at Fox think that comics are for kids only.
Anyone know when the new 1602 comes out? Is it today or next week?
According to The New Comic Book Releases site, 1602 will be out on the 12th.
Thanks. For both the info and the link.
Thought I'd post it here:
Happy Birthday CaBil!!!
Thanks Raquel, I appreciate it!
How many issues of 1602 are we at now? Three or four? (before next week's)