Is there anybody who could be my Sopranos tape fairy? My Dad isn't taping this year and I am filled with woe.
I would cheerfully reimburse you in clean and dirty ways.
Early ,'Objects In Space'
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Is there anybody who could be my Sopranos tape fairy? My Dad isn't taping this year and I am filled with woe.
I would cheerfully reimburse you in clean and dirty ways.
Gandalfe, I was hoping on disk -- for some reason best known to a paranoid manager, FTP is disabled on my work laptop. (This doesn't stop me from bit-torrenting, or quite a few different methods of downloading from the net. I haven't pointed this out to them.
I would be happy to reimburse you for disk & mailing costs!
Wait, they prevent you from using ftp downloads—like the kind software companies, stock photo agencies, and service bureaus use—but don't restrict bittorrent and other Napsterlike download methods?
I've never tried to use Napster or Kazaa... but it bit-torrents like a champ. I'm sure not telling them about that little loophole. (It also appears that the FTP is restricted so that I can take (sometimes) but never 'give')
No problem. I might be able to fit both episodes if you want them. Email me - profile address is good.
Theo - I've got an mpg of last Friday's Wonderfalls. I can get it to you on disk whenever you like.
Oh super, Jon!
Gandalfe, thanks for your kind offer, but Jon's literally in the same town, so getting the MPG will be so much easier!
I know this is a long shot, but did anyone get a recording of tonight's Will & Grace that I could have a copy of? I'd curse Donald Trump for making me miss Bobby Cannivale as Will's potential boyfriend for a second week, but looking at his hair I see someone beat me to it.
Matt, I don't have a tape, but I can probably grab an MPG file via bittorrent, if you can play them on any of your computers....
Thanks Connie! I shouldn't have any problem, I think the version of Quicktime I have on my laptop can handle mpg files just fine.