Steph, I recorded the first installment of Angels in America for you. Want me to send it now, or wait to get the 2nd half on the same tape? Please send your snailmail address to my profile addy in either case.
'Objects In Space'
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Matt, have you found a tape fairy for QE4tSG? Can we work out a trade for Angels in America?
Possibly, Beverly, but I'm not sure if my VCRs will play well together and allow me to dub copies. The tape from the one that records reliably is already promised to Steph. I'll check within the next day or two to see if I can pirate a viewable copy.
I missed last night's O.C. due to having a work crisis and they are not re-playing it tonight. It is a lot to ask during the holidays, I know, but can anyone spare me a tape?
Your reward for being such a generous person is that you may choose one of the following:
1) Nummy nummy baked goods in the form of M&M Xmas cookies baked fresh by me and sent quickly to you
2) $5 donated to the Firefly DVDs for Troops thing in your name
3) A shiny and almost new copy of Fray #8 which I seem to have two copies of - even if you don't love Fray - it has a funny Joss letter in the back worth reading
And of course, you will have my ever loving devotion.
Insent tina. I did tape it although I missed a few seconds of the previouslies in the beginning.
I attempted to tape 24 and FAILED utterly -- does anyone have a tape of this week's 24 that they could spare me?
Beverly, I finally figured out how to get my VCRs to play well together, and am dubbing you a copy of Angels in America even as we speak. Are we still on for a trade? (If so, I'm particularly interested in getting the QEftSG rerun where Kyan is done up in a football uniform. Oh, and the tanning parlor one if it's airing anytime soon.)
If anyone else would like a copy dubbed while I've got the pirating equipment set up. please let me know by midday tomorrow so I can buy tapes and start the process. I want to free the main VCR up so I can watch my new tape of A Tout Vitesse over the holidays.
Steph, did your copy of Angels in America arrive at your office yet? I'm imagining some fun if a Fundie co-worker should see the title and want to have a look-see.
Matt, I have the new one that aired after hiatus, and the reunion party. I'm busily taping every episode that airs, because I decided you need to see them, if that's not too obnoxious. B^)
I am taping at SLP, though, which means 6 eps per tape. Do you mind waiting another two weeks or so before I send? Or would you rather I tape faster, with fewer eps on the tapes? Just let me know.
Perfect! Thanks muchly, Beverly-waiting longer for more eps per tape is the way that I'd want to go, given my druthers.
Matt, I got the tape today -- thanks!!!