I got it last night (Tuesday), and Monday was a holiday, so it took two or three days.
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Plei, I've got clips of all the Justin stuff. If you don't get a tape.
This is a just in case request. I'm going to be out of town the next two Wednesdays. Would somebody, especially someone in LA, be willing to be a tape fairy for me for those episodes of Angel?
Bless you Cass, and thank you - the tape arrived yesterday and has already been watched.
Which leads me to my embarrassing Part II request: I did not realize that the CSI premiere was a two-parter. Does anyone have Part II?
Meanwhile, Megan, I'll be mailing the Gilmore Girl tape to you today or tomorrow. I finally watched all 6 hours of taped stuff on it! Yay for couch potato-y goodness!
Java, I don't have it. Watched it and deleted.
t hands hangs head in shame
Perkins, SD, but I can tape fairy iffin you need. e me.
t wondering who cass hands her head to, or if it's just a general sort of hand-off and whether I can use another head or if I have enough of them in the freezer right now.
I'm the lamest Buffista of all. I taped ABC by accident this evening because I had to go out ...
*sniffle* Anyone around who can play tape fairy? I promise glitter, chocolate and bad verse praising the sexy body part of your choice...
I taped ABC by accident this evening because I had to go out ...
Sorry to be dense, but instead of what? Angel? If so, I have it, but I still haven't watched last week's Angel and therefore have to get to it and last night's before I can relinquish the tape. Do you want it when I'm done, or to hold out for someone speedier than I am?
Also, now that I have to go to the post office to mail tapes, because the post office thinks I'm a terrorist if I affix a bunch of stamps and sends them back to me with instructions to report to a postal employee, and I can't use our office postal machine, I'm dragging my feet about standing in line on my lunch hour. I promise I'll get your tape off in the mail by Saturday, though, Megan. It's all wrapped and just waiting...
Yep, instead of Angel.
I have been rescued however. Chocolate and glitter all round...