Um, um, I'd love you better if you faired me an Angel tape.
Whoever you are.
Because I missed it, and am sad like a sad little thing.
Anya ,'Potential'
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Um, um, I'd love you better if you faired me an Angel tape.
Whoever you are.
Because I missed it, and am sad like a sad little thing.
Angel? Last night's? Please? Apparently dh, the senior network engineer at an international company, is incapable of running a VCR. Please? Please? I saw the middle 20 minutes. Please?
My goodness, I think I need to say a VCR prayer for the lot of you. kat, askye, RL, Cindy - Insent.
See, the thing is I have all these old VCR tapes with FX Buffy recordings that I can now reuse since I have the DVD's. t Evil Taunt
Anyone know where we can get a decent MPEG of FIrefly: War Stories? All the versions we can find hvae royally messed up sound.
I don't have an MPEG, but I have the RealPlayer version.
Does anyone have early Farscape tapes (like the first or second seasons) they might be willing to lend to an interested college student? Profile addy good.
Theodosia and Laura - thank you, and insent.
RL, "Soulless"? I have the ftv mpeg, and can filetransfer.
I am so incredibly tempted by that offer. I'm not exactly sure what it would entail, though, as I've never done that, always having been slow-modem girl. Let me email you.
gah, weekend away and I FORGOT to set the vcr for Farscape...a little help? anyone?
Is anyone able to make me tapes of the last 4 episodes of Buffy Season 6(starting with "Seeing Red"), and Season 7 from "Never Leave Me" to "The Killer in Me"? I would be oh-so-happy to pay costs/shipping/chocolate!!! My email is in my profile.
In other news, I have all the Firefly episodes on VHS if anyone is in need.