Knut - I can hand off during the Firefly party, iff'n you promise to get it back before new Buffy airs in January.
When come back bring tape
It does happen to everyone. No, really. No need to be self-conscious.
Let us help you out. Missed an ep of something, Jossverse or otherwise? Ask here for help -- don't forget to include contact information, and come back and mention when you're no longer in need.
Natter will be summarily deleted.
Juliana, you've got a deal, and my eternal gratitude. Whew. That's a relief.
Please tape us! We need Ariel! Will trade goodwill, treats, and unlimited immortalization through COMMing for your posts.
Hi! I used to post occasionally in the old board as StephanieT, but since there were quite a few Stephs I changed. Due to my VCR having a quirky problem that requires that I actually be there to hit the record button, I missed TWO episodes in November, and the people who were supposed to help me have been written off the Xmas card list! And I'm all askew with the arc and it's making me so confused. So could some kind person lend me a tape of the episode with the ghosts and the one where Giles apparently didn't get killed (Thanksgiving week). I'm in DC or would be happy to pay postage.
I think I have all the Buffy and Firefly episodes now on either VCD or VCR media. I haven’t tried to dub to tape from VCD yet so I don’t know about the quality.
If anyone is still in need of some episode after the 1st let me know. Too crazed with the kids out of school to think about dubbing before then.
I will be fixing the satellite glitch in the Profit tapes on the 23rd when it airs again.
I just realized that I left my apartment and FORGOT to set the vcr for Firefly!! Could someone out there tape it for me tonight, or maybe a Tivo-owner make me a copy? I'll send goodies for rewards, I will!
Laura, you Torrent Slut!
I prefer to think of myself as a companion.
Hi, I was wondering if I could get a copy of the Firefly episode "War Stories" from anyone. I would of course pay for shipping, etc. I could also trade a CD-ROM of Buffy interviews, etc. Thanks!
hey. In a fit of hostess anxiety I effed up taping Serenity. And while I did see it in the company of a swell crowd, I'd really like to watch it again when I'm not worrying if everyone is comfortable and well-libated. Plus I promised CaBil he could take my tape home to his lovely Ms. Havisham who couldn't make it Friday night. So, does anyone have a copy I could have. to keep. I'd pay postage and tape costs of course. E-mail me at profile addy. thanks.